




  Architecture Cardiff University

  Architecture University of Manchester

  Art History University of Edinburgh

  Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge

  Biological Sciences Durham University

  Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) University of Edinburgh

  Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) University of Edinburgh

  Biomedical Sciences University of Bristol

  Biomedical Sciences King’s College London

  Business and Economics University of Edinburgh (2023)

  Chemistry Durham University

  Chemistry University of St Andrews

  Chemistry University of Bath

  Chemistry with Research Abroad Imperial

  Classical Studies Durham University

  Classical Studies University of Bristol

  Classics University of Bristol (2023)

  Classics University of Glasgow

  Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology Trinity College, Dublin

  East Asian Studies and History of Art SOAS (2023)

  Economics and Management University of Bristol

  Economics (with a placement year)  Durham University

  Engineering University of Warwick

  English Queens’ College, Cambridge

  English  UCL

  English Language and Literature Hertford College, Oxford

  English Literature University of Edinburgh

  English Literature University of East Anglia

  English Literature University of Edinburgh

  English Literature and History University of Manchester

  English with Creative Writing University of Aberdeen

  Foundation Diploma in Art and Design City & Guilds

  Foundation Diploma in Art and Design


  City & Guilds

  University of Warwick (2023)

  Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

  Liberal Arts and Sciences

  Camberwell College of Arts

  University of Birmingham (2023)

  French and German University of Edinburgh

  French and Italian University of Edinburgh

  French and Spanish Jesus College, Oxford

  Geography Durham University

  Geography University of Exeter

  Geography University of Manchester (2023)

  Geography Durham University

  Geography Durham University

  Geography Durham University

  Geography University of Exeter

  Geography Newcastle University

  Health and Human Sciences Durham University

  History University of Exeter (2023)

  History University of Birmingham

  History Durham University

  History University of Sheffield

  History University of Exeter (2023)

  History Christ’s College, Cambridge

  History and Modern Languages Robinson College, Cambridge

  International Development with Economics University of Bath

  International Relations University of Exeter

  International Social and Political Studies UCL

  Law LSE

  Law Durham University

  Law University of Exeter

  Law Trinity College, Oxford

  Liberal Arts University of Pennsylvania

  Liberal Arts University of California San Diego

  Liberal Arts Yale University

  Liberal Arts University of Chicago

  Liberal Arts Dartmouth College

  Liberal Arts Georgetown University

  Liberal Arts Cornell University

  Liberal Arts Georgetown University

  Liberal Arts Columbia University

  Liberal Arts Dual BA between Columbia University and

  Trinity College, Dublin

  Liberal Arts Columbia University

  Liberal Arts McGill University


  Liberal Arts Princeton University

  Liberal Arts Harvard University

  Liberal Arts Georgetown University

  Linguistics University of Manchester

  Management University of St Andrews (2023)

  Management LSE

  Medical Biosciences Imperial

  Medicine University of Edinburgh

  Medicine Queen Mary, University of London

  Medicine University of Liverpool

  Medicine University of Edinburgh

  Medicine UCL

  Medicine and Surgery Newcastle University

  Medicine and Surgery Newcastle University

  Modern Languages Exeter College, Oxford

  Modern Languages University of Bristol

  Modern Languages and Cultures (with a year abroad)  Durham University

  Modern Languages and Linguistics St Hugh’s College, Oxford

  Natural Sciences (Maths and Philosophy) Durham University

  Natural Sciences (with a year abroad) University of Bath

  Neuroscience University of Manchester

  Philosophy University of Manchester

  Philosophy UCL

  Philosophy and Psychology University of Edinburgh

  Philosophy and Politics University of Bristol

  Politics and Economics LSE

  Politics and International Relations University of Bath (2023)

  Politics and International Relations University of Bristol (2023)

  Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad University of Bristol (2023)

  Psychology Lancaster University

  Psychology University of Edinburgh

  Psychology City, University of London

  Social Anthropology SOAS

  Theological Studies in Philosophy and Ethics University of Manchester

  Veterinary Medicine Girton College, Cambridge

  Veterinary Medicine and Science University of Surrey

  Veterinary Science University of Bristol

  Zoology University of Southampton

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