切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试笔试题型大赏析 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立学校,切格威尔中学可谓是私校教育的典范,该校历来培养了无数优秀的人才,比如宾夕法尼亚州创始人William Penn、切格威尔音乐大师Edward Caswell、流行病学专家Austin Bradford Hill、Harrods董事总经理Clive de Boer、Beckenham国会议员Bob Stewart……因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

  11+ English Entrance Examination 英语笔试题型

  There are three sections to the examination:

  A:Technical Section - spend approximately 10 minutes on this section

  B: Reading Comprehension -spend approximately 30 minutes on this section

  C: Writing/Composition - spend approximately 30 minutes on this section.

  Please write on the separate lined paper provided

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

  11+ Mathematics Specimen Paper数学笔试题型

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试

  以上是关于切格威尔中学Chigwell School 11+入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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