威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 干货请收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立女校,威辛顿女子学校可谓是私立女校教育的典范,该校一直保持着相对较小的规模,其A-level成绩一直保持着超高的就学率,是英格兰西北部表现最好的私立女校之一,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试


  1. Work out 422 − 265


  2. Work out 734 × 27


  3. Work out 45% of 60


  4. Work out 1960÷ 8


  5. Work out 5.75 × 5


  6.威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试


  7. What number goes in the box?

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  8. What number goes in the box?

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  9. 威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试


  10. What is the next number in this sequence?

  17, 13, 9, 5, …


  11. 9 cups of tea cost £19.80.

  How much does one cup cost?


  12. 威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试


  13. 7 oranges cost £2.80. Find the cost of 5 oranges.


  14.威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试


  15. The numbers 14, 15, 17 and 𝑥 have a range of 7. Find two possible values for 𝑥.


  16. You are given that 35 × 24 = 840.

  Use this fact to work out

  (a) 840 ÷ 240 ____________________

  (b) 840 ÷ 0.35 ___________________

  17. Crack the code and translate the message.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  18. Anisha works in a shop.

  She is paid £7.50 an hour during the week and £9.50 an hour at weekends.

  Anisha can get a lift with her mum to work during the week but has to go on the train if she works at the weekend. A return (there and back) train ticket costs £5.20.

  How much would Anisha take home if she works 8 hours during the week and 4 hours on Saturday.


  19. ABC is an isosceles triangle with

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  AC = BC

  On the grid, mark with a cross (×) two possible positions for the point C.

  20. A train stopped at Stockport station.

  42 people got off and 60 people got on.

  There were 322 people on the train when it left Stockport.

  How many were on the train before it stopped at Stockport?



威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  22. In the following subtraction, 𝒂, 𝒃, 𝒄 and 𝒅 are single digits. Work out what they are.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  In the following multiplication, f, g, h and k are single digits. Work out what they are.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  23. Pavanna and Naomi share some money in the ratio 2:3.

  Naomi divides her share between her friends Maria and Grace in the ratio 3:4.

  Maria receives £27, how much money was originally shared?


  24. Each shape stands for a number.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  Find the value of one triangle and one circle.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  25. ABC is a straight line.

  Triangle BCD is isosceles.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  Find the size of the angle 𝑥.

  𝑥 =_________________°

  26. Sana has four identical rectangles each measuring 8cm by 3cm.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  She joins them together to make a large square with a smaller square inside it.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  (a) What is the perimeter of the larger square?


  (b) What is the area of the smaller square?


  (c) Zara has used a different set of four identical rectangles to make this shape.

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  The area of the large square is 169 cm2.

  The perimeter of the smaller square is 20 cm.

  What is the length and width of one rectangle?

  Length = ____________ cm width = ____________cm

  27. In this questions all the pentagons are identical. Each pentagon has an area of 60 cm2.

  Two pentagons overlap to make 3 regions A, B (the overlap) and C.

  For example

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  28. The mythical land of Adlucem has its very own currency.

  The currency system uses fens (f.), monts (m.) and troys (t.) with

威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试

  Work out the following calculations, giving your answer in its simplest form.

  For example, 12t. should be written 1m. 4t.

  (a) 1 bananas cost 4t. How many bananas could be bought for 5m.?


  (b) Find the total cost of 4f. 11m. 7t. and 2f. 9m. 4t.

  _____f. _____m. _____t.

  (c) Subtract 2f. 10m. 5t from 5f. 8m. 4t.

  _____f. _____m. _____t

  以上是关于威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 11+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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