瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 干货请收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,瑟里胡学校可谓是私校教育的典范,这里不仅拥有着齐全的教学设施,而且还拥有着超高的学术成绩,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,14+是最常见的入学时间,下面,小编就为大家带来了瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试


  Read these instructions carefully

  You have one hour in which to complete this examination.

  Attempt all questions.

  You may use a calculator if you wish.

  Write your answers in the spaces provided.

  The marks awarded are next to each question.

  Q1. The diagram shows a plant cell.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (a) Give the name of part A.


  Give the function of part A.



  (b) Give the name of part E.


  Give the function of part E.



  (c) Give the letters of two parts that are present in plant cells but not in animal cells.

  .................. and ..................

  (d) How can you tell that the cell in the diagram is from a leaf and not from a root?


  Q2. The drawing shows a baby inside its mother’s uterus.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Some substances pass from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood. Other substances pass from the baby’s blood to the mother’s blood.

  Which way, if any, do the substances in the table pass? Tick one box in each row.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Q3. A scientist compared the acidity of four gases to see which gas might cause acid rain.

  She used four balloons to collect the gases.

  She then bubbled the gases, in turn, through a fresh sample of green, neutral, universal indicator solution.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (a) Three of the gases caused the indicator to change colour.

  The scientist added drops of alkali to the indicator until the indicator changed back to green.

  Her results are shown in the table below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Use information in the table to answer part (i) and part (ii) below.

  (i) Which gas dissolved to form the most acidic solution?


  Explain your choice.



  (ii) Which gas formed a neutral solution?


  Explain your choice.



  (iii) What effect does an alkali have on an acid?


  (b) Some metals react with acids in the air.

  Complete the word equation for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Q4. (a) Max built circuit 1 as shown below.

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  He closed the switch, S, and all the bulbs came on.

  One of the bulbs then broke and all the bulbs went off.

  Which bulb must have broken?

  Give the letter.


  (b) Max built circuit 2 as shown below.

  He connected a plastic comb and a metal key in different parts of the circuit.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Look carefully at circuit 2.

  Complete the table below to show which bulbs in circuit 2 will be on or off when different switches are open or closed.

  Write on or off in the boxes below.

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  (c) Max built circuit 3 using a battery, two bulbs and three ammeters.

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  The current reading on ammeter A1was 0.8 amps.

  What would be the reading on ammeters A2 and A3?

  Place one tick in the table by the correct pair of readings.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Q5. Spots may be caused by bacteria in the skin. A researcher investigated the effect of spot-lotion on bacteria.

  (a) He grew bacteria on the surface of jelly in a Petri dish.

  At what temperature would the bacteria reproduce quickly?

  Tick the correct box.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (b) The researcher placed two small paper discs onto the surface of the jelly. One disc had been soaked in spot-lotion. The other disc had been soaked in water. The diagrams below show the jelly at the beginning of the experiment and two days later.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Suggest what had happened to the bacteria in the clear area around the paper disc soaked in spot-lotion.



  (c) What was the control in this experiment?



  (d) Give two safety precautions the researcher should take to avoid contact with the bacteria.

  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………

  2. …………………………………………………………………………………….

  Q6. (a) The diagrams below show the arrangement of atoms or molecules in five different substances A, B, C, D and E.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Give the letter of the diagram which represents:

  (i) a mixture of gases;


  (ii) a single compound.


  (b) The diagram below shows a model of a chemical reaction between two substances.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (i) How can you tell from the diagram that a chemical reaction took place between substance P and substance Q?



  (ii) Substance P is carbon.

  Suggest what substances Q and R could be.

  substance Q .......................................................................................

  substance R .......................................................................................

  (iii) How does the diagram show that mass has been conserved in this reaction?



  Q7. A company has made a new material called ‘Wellwarm’. They want to use ‘Wellwarm’ to make coats.

  (a) A scientist tested ‘Wellwarm’ to see how well it insulated a beaker of hot water. She tested ‘Wellwarm’ and three other materials as shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  She wrapped each beaker in a different material.

  She recorded the temperature at the start and 20 minutes later.

  (i) What was the independent variable that the scientist changed?


  (ii) What was the dependent variable that the scientist measured during the investigation?


  (b) The results of the investigation are shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (i)The scientist said that the ‘Wellwarm’ material is the best insulator. Which material was ‘Wellwarm’? Use the results to help you. Tick the correct box.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (ii) Use the evidence in the results table to explain your choice.



  (c) The company made a coat from each of the four materials they tested.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  A person tested the different coats by wearing each one in a cold room. He measured the temperature inside each coat for 30 minutes.

  Write down two other variables that should be controlled to make this a fair test.

  1. ....................................................................................................................

  2. ....................................................................................................................

  (d) Write down one thing the scientists should do to make sure the person testing the coats is safe.


  (e) Suggest one advantage of using a temperature sensor and data logger instead of a thermometer in this experiment.



  Q8. James shone a ray of light at a mirror as shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  He measured the angle of reflection for different angles of incidence.

  His results are shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (a) Which angle of reflection was not measured accurately?


  How can you tell this from the table?



  (b) James set up a different experiment as shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  He measured the angle of refraction for different angles of incidence.

  His results are shown in the graph.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Use the graph to answer the questions below.

  (i) When the angle of refraction is 20°, what is the angle of incidence?


  (ii) What conclusion could James draw from his graph?

  Complete the sentence below.

  When light passes from air into glass, the angle of incidence is always .......................................................... the angle of refraction.

  (c) On diagram 2, draw a line to continue the refracted ray as it leaves the glass block.

  Q9. (a) The diagrams below show the patterns produced on an oscilloscope by three different sound waves.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (i) Which two waves have the same loudness?

  Write the letters.

  ............ and ............

  How do the diagrams show this?



  (ii) Which two waves have the same pitch?

  Write the letters.

  ............ and ............

  How do the diagrams show this?



  (iii) Shuli is listening to a sound that produces the pattern below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Describe how the sound that Shuli hears changes between X and Y.


  (b) The table below shows the maximum time a person can listen to music at different sound levels without damage to the ear.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Estimate the maximum time a person could listen to a sound of 87 decibels.

  ............ hours

  (c) The diagram below shows part of the human ear.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  What happens to the ear drum as a sound gets louder?



  Q10. Table 1 gives information about 100 g of five different foods.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (a) Look at table 1.

  (i) Which of the four nutrients, protein, fat, carbohydrate or calcium, provides most of the energy in the cheese?


  (ii) Which of the four nutrients provides most of the energy in the wholemeal bread?


  (iii) Which of the four nutrients is needed for growth and repair?


  (b) The recommended daily amount of protein for a woman is 45 g.

  Look at table 1.

  How many grams of cheese would provide 45 g of protein?

  Tick the correct box.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (c) Not all the types of nutrients needed for a balanced diet are shown in table 1.

  Give the name of one of the missing types of nutrient.


  (d) Table 2 shows the recommended daily amount of calcium for a person in four

  stages of the human life cycle.

  We need calcium for healthy teeth and bones.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  (i) Use information in table 2 to estimate how much calcium a breast-feeding woman should have each day.

  ............. mg

  (ii) Explain why she would need this amount of calcium.



  Q11. A group of pupils recorded some different characteristics of pupils in their class.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  The table below shows their results.

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  (a) Oliver concluded that boys do not have green eyes.

  Explain why his conclusion is not justified.


  (b) Name two continuous variables in their table.

  1. .....................................................

  2. .....................................................

  (c) Look at the scatter graphs below.

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  Use the data in the scatter graphs to show whether each of the conclusions below is true, false or you cannot tell.

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  Q12. Harry mixed zinc with copper sulphate solution in a test-tube.

  A displacement reaction took place and the temperature increased.

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  (a) The word equation for the reaction is shown below.

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  Why is this reaction called a displacement reaction?



  (b) Harry repeated the experiment with two other metals.

  He wanted to calculate the temperature rise each time.

  His results are shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  Harry used different starting temperatures.

  Explain why this did not affect his results.



  (c) Part of the reactivity series of metals is shown below.

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  Use the reactivity series above to answer all the questions below.

  (i) Why was the highest rise in temperature obtained with magnesium and copper sulphate?



  (ii) Why was the rise in temperature obtained with zinc and copper sulphate not much higher than the rise in temperature obtained with iron and copper sulphate?



  (iii) In which of the following mixtures would there be a rise in temperature? Write yes or no in each blank box.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试

  以上是关于瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+科学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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