瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析 干货请收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,瑟里胡学校拥有着非常严格的考核标准,笔试是最先经历的一项考核,14+是最常见的入学时间,下,小编就为大家带来了瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试


  14+ English Entrance Examination

  You should complete both Section A and Section B

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试

  1. What literary technique has the poet used in the line following line: ‘The woods crashing through darkness, the booming hills’? What effect is created? (3)

  2. What technique has been used in this phrase ‘Winds stampeding the fields’? Is it a simile, personification, metaphor, rhyme, or onomatopoeia? Why has the poet chosen to use the word‘stampeding’?

  3. Why do you think that the ‘hills had new places’? What impression is the poet trying to create? (2)

  4. Explain why you think that the poet uses the word 'quivering' in line 16.

  5. Read the following phrase: ‘We watch the fire blazing, And feel the roots of the house move’.By using the word ‘roots’, what technique has the poet used? A simile, personification, metaphor, onomatopoeia, or hyperbole? Explain your answer.

  6. Read the following sentence: ‘The wind flung a magpie away and a black-Back gull bent like an iron bar slowly.’ What is it that makes these lines so memorable and effective?

  7. Find an example of when the poet appeals to the reader's sense of sound in the second half of the poem. Explain the effect that is created. (3)

  8. Choose three adjectives to describe the atmosphere that is created in the poem. (2)

  9. What lesson does this poem teach the reader about nature?

  10. Is the poem written in the first or third person perspective? What effect is created?

  11. Describe the tone of the speaker.

  Section B

  Begin section B on a new sheet of the lined paper provided. Make sure that your candidate number is written clearly on the top of each sheet of paper that you use. This task is worth thirty marks and you are advised to spend thirty minutes on this section.

  Choose one of the following creative writing challenges.

  You will be marked on:

  - your use of varied, interesting vocabulary and imagery

  - the accuracy of your grammar and expression

  - the originality of your ideas

  - your ability to create an interesting and original story or description


  1. Write a short story where the following scenario occurs:

  You are driving alone on a quiet road when you spot a hitchhiker looking for a lift. You decide to pick him or her up but as you drive away with them in the passenger seat, you begin to suspect that something is not quite right...


  2. Use the following sentence as an opening to a short story:

  ‘I crouched behind the car, trying not to make a sound’.


  3. Write a description of a busy city scene. Write about lots of different things that you can see and hear around you and try to use all five senses in your description. You do not need to tell a story; you will be marked on how well you can describe the scene. You can use the picture below as inspiration.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试

  以上是关于瑟里胡学校Solihull School 14+英语入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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