瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,瑟里胡学校有着非常严格的考核标准,笔试是最先经历的一项考试,13+是最常见的入学时间,下面,小编就为大家带来了瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试


  Read these instructions carefully

  You have one hour in which to complete this examination.

  Attempt all questions.

  You may use a calculator if you wish.

  Write your answers in the spaces provided.

  The marks awarded are next to each question.

  Q1. The diagram shows a plant cell.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  (a) Give the name of part A.


  Give the function of part A.



  (b) Give the name of part E.


  Give the function of part E.



  (c) Give the letters of two parts that are present in plant cells but not in animal cells.

  .................. and ..................

  (d) How can you tell that the cell in the diagram is from a leaf and not from a root?


  Q2. The drawing shows a baby inside its mother’s uterus.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Some substances pass from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood.

  Other substances pass from the baby’s blood to the mother’s blood.

  Which way, if any, do the substances in the table pass?

  Tick one box in each row.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Q3. The drawings show part of a farmland food chain.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  (a) State a scientific word that describes the fox in this food chain


  (b) Partridges feed mainly on insects and wild plants (weeds).

  Some farmers spray their crops with chemicals to kill insects and weeds.

  How would this affect the number of foxes?


  Explain your answer.



  (c) Partridges build their nests on the ground among plants. They lay up to 18 eggs in the nest.

  Suggest why partridges need to lay so many eggs.



  Q4. A scientist compared the acidity of four gases to see which gas might cause acid rain.

  She used four balloons to collect the gases.

  She then bubbled the gases, in turn, through a fresh sample of green, neutral, universal indicator solution.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  (a) Three of the gases caused the indicator to change colour.

  The scientist added drops of alkali to the indicator until the indicator changed back to green.

  Her results are shown in the table below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Use information in the table to answer part (i) and part (ii) below.

  (i) Which gas dissolved to form the most acidic solution?


  Explain your choice.



  (ii) Which gas formed a neutral solution?


  Explain your choice.



  (iii) What effect does an alkali have on an acid?


  (b) Some metals react with acids in the air.

  Complete the word equation for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Q5. A teacher mixed iron filings with sulphur on a metal tray.

  She heated the mixture in a fume cupboard.

  Sulphur is yellow. Iron filings are grey.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  The mixture glowed very brightly. The teacher turned off the bunsen burner.

  The glow spread through the mixture.

  When the mixture cooled, a black solid called iron sulphide was left.

  (a) From this information, give one way you can tell that a chemical reaction took place.



  (b) What type of substance is each of the chemicals involved in this reaction? Choose from:

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  iron ...............................................................

  sulphur .........................................................

  iron sulphide .................................................

  (c) Raj held a magnet near to each of the three chemicals.

  By each chemical in the table, write yes or no to show if the chemical was magnetic.

  One has been done for you.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  (d) (i) When iron is heated with sulphur, iron sulphide is formed.

  Give the name of the solid formed when zinc is heated with sulphur.


  (ii) Some fossil fuels contain sulphur.

  When fuels burn, sulphur reacts with oxygen.

  Complete the word equation for this reaction.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Q6. (a) Max built circuit 1 as shown below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  He closed the switch, S, and all the bulbs came on.

  One of the bulbs then broke and all the bulbs went off.

  Which bulb must have broken?

  Give the letter.


  (b) Max built circuit 2 as shown below.

  He connected a plastic comb and a metal key in different parts of the circuit.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  Look carefully at circuit 2.

  Complete the table below to show which bulbs in circuit 2 will be on or off whendifferentswitches are open or closed.

  Write on or off in the boxes below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试

  以上是关于瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+科学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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