瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 赶紧来做题吧!


  众所周知,英国私校教育是教育界的典范,虽然私校的学生占比仅为7%,但牛津、剑桥大学的升学率中私校占据了43%。因此,越来越多的学生去英国私校留学,可是私校有非常严格的筛选标准,笔试是最先要经历的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  In each question you should put your answer in the box provided. The mark for each question is shown in brackets.


  1. 7029+ 1332=______________


  3. 35 × 43=_______________


  5. Work out

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  6. Work out the following:

  (i) 3 + 4 × 5


  (ii) 3 + 8 – 6 × 3


  (iii) 19.5 – 1.842


  (iv) 4.1 × 1.9


  (v) Divide £84 in the ratio 5:7


  7. 8 pens cost £11.60. Find the cost of:

  (i) 1 pen


  (ii) 6 pens


  8. Henry took tests in Mathematics, English and French.

  In Mathematics he scored 32 out of 40.

  In English he scored 24 out of 40.

  In French he scored 56 out of 80.

  What percentage did he achieve in:

  (i) Mathematics?


  (ii) English?


  (iii) French?


  9. Work out 5% of £10 + 15% of £20


  10. a = 4, b = 6, c = −8

  Find the value of:

  (i) a + b + c


  (ii) a − b − c


  (iii) abc


  (iv) a(b + c)


  (v) a2+ b2+ c2


  11. Find the value of x in these equations.

  (i) 2x + 4 = 30

  x = ___________

  (ii) 3x + 35 = 40

  x = ___________

  (iii) 2x − 7 = x + 9

  x = ___________

  (iv) 4(x − 3) = 2x − 18

  x = ___________

  (v) x2+ 36 = 100

  x =

  12. Simplify the following expressions:

  (i) 3a + 8a - 2a

  (ii) 4a − 2b + 3a - 10b − 5a

  13. In this question the shapes are NOT drawn to scale.

  (i) Find the perimeter (the total length around the outside of the shape) of the rectangle below.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  (ii) The perimeter of the rectangle below is 38cm. Find its area.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  (iii) The square below has an area of 225cm2. Find its perimeter.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  14. In this question the shapes are NOT drawn to scale.

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试

  Find angles a and b

  a =_____________

  b = _____________

  What sort of triangle is ABC?


瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试

  Find, without measuring, all the angles in this picture.

  p =_________________

  q =_________________

  r =_________________

  s =_________________

  t =_________________

  u =_________________

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试

  (a) Calculate the area of this shape


  (b) Calculate the total distance round the shape


  15. Find the next two numbers in these sequences. Write your answers in the gaps.

  (i) 5, 9, 13, 17, 21______________ _________________

  (ii) 14, 13, 11, 8, 4,______________ _________________

  (iii) 3, 5, 9, 17, 33,______________ _________________

  (iv) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25,______________ _________________

  (v) 32, 16, 8, 4, 2,______________ _________________

  (vi) 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,______________ _________________


  (i) Helen drives at 60 km/h for 2 ½ hours.

  How far does she go?


  (ii) She then drives at 40 km/h for 1 ½ hours.

  How far does she go?


  (iii) What is the total distance she travels?


  (iv) What is her average speed for the whole journey?


  17. Amy, Sam and Charles share some sweets.

  Sam has twice as many as Charles.

  Amy has three times as many as Sam.

  (i) If Charles gets 6 sweets, how many does Amy get?


  (ii) If, on another occasion, Sam has 6 sweets, how many sweets are there altogether?


  (iii) If, on a third occasion, Amy has 16 more sweets than Sam, how many sweets does Charles have?


  18. The nth term of a sequence is given by the formula 4n − 1

  (i) Find the first 3 terms of the sequence


  (ii) Find the 100th term of the sequence


  Find a formula for the nth term of the following sequences:

  (iii) 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, ……………..


  (iv) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ………………….


  19. A girl has as many brothers as she has sisters, but each of her brothers has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many sisters are there and how many brothers are there?



  20. A rule for numbers is to multiply by 7 and subtract 3

  For example, if you start with 10, you multiply by 7 to get 70 and then subtract 3 to get 67. So the answer you get if you apply the rule to 10 is 67.

  (i) What is the answer if you apply the rule to the number 5?


  (ii) What is the answer if you apply the rule twice starting with the number 2?


  (iii) If the rule is applied to a number the answer is 81. What was the starting number?


  (iv) If the rule is applied to a number the answer is −3. What was the starting number?


  (v) The rule is applied to the number N and the answer is 4N. What is the number N?

瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试


  (i) Work out 3 * 1.


  (ii) Work out 3 * 2 + 1 * 0.


  (iii) a * 8 = 208. Work out the value of a.


  (iv) b * 2 = 4b. Work out the value of b.


  22. Amy, Brian and Claire spent an afternoon picking strawberries. Amy picked 3kg more than Brian but 2kg less than Claire. If Brian picked three-quarters of the amount that Claire picked, how many did the three friends pick altogether?


  以上是关于瑟里胡学校Solihull School 13+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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