英国私立三一中学Trinity Schoo, Croydon 10岁申请应该何时准备?附入学考试样题分享!


  申请英国中学,不同学校接受的学生年龄不同。比如Trinity Schoo, Croydon三一中学就在10岁、11岁、13岁,以及16岁,都开放校门欢迎国际学生申请。同时还提供丰富的奖学金供有能力的申请人参加角逐,如果您想了解英国留学申请更多信息,请参考:英国私立三一中学Trinity Schoo, Croydon 10岁申请应该何时准备

英国私立三一中学Trinity Schoo, Croydon 10岁申请应该何时准备


  助学金申请开放日期 2023 年 9 月 8 日星期五

  全校开放日 2023 年 9 月 30 日星期六

  申请截止日期 2023 年 10 月 31 日星期二

  助学金申请截止日期 2023 年 11 月 24 日星期五

  10+入学考试 2023 年 12 月 2 日星期六

  学术面试 2024 年 1 月

  音乐奖学金评估 从 2024 年 1 月 15 日星期一开始

  体育奖学金评估 2024 年 1 月 16 日星期二

  艺术奖学金评估 2024 年 1 月 16 日星期二

  戏剧奖学金评估 2024 年 1 月 18 日星期四(下午)

  DT奖学金评估 2024 年 1 月 18 日星期四(上午)

  发放Offer日 2024 年 2 月 9 日星期五

  接受Offer截止日 2024 年 2 月 21 日星期三


  候选人必须年满 10 岁,但在入学当年的 9 月 1 日未满 11 岁。


  英语理解和作文 – 1 小时

  数学 - 1 小时

  口头推理 - 1 小时

英国私立三一中学Trinity Schoo, Croydon 10岁申请应该何时准备


  Part 1 – Reading (30 minutes)

  The test will take the form of a passage, usually of prose, with a series of

  questions, which have to be answered. The questions are designed to assess

  candidates’ ability to respond to the passage with understanding, to draw simple

  inferences, to express views fluently and accurately and to refer to relevant

  words or episodes to support opinions. There will be no questions on “formal


  Part 2 – Writing (30 minutes)

  Two or three titles, usually related to the reading passage, are normally set, and

  candidates write on one of them. Topics set may invite personal, imaginative,

  narrative or discursive written responses. Candidates will be assessed on their

  ability to communicate meaning, using a wide-ranging vocabulary and an

  effective style, organising and structuring sentences grammatically and the whole

  text coherently.

  In the paper candidates will be expected to punctuate and spell accurately and to

  present work neatly and legibly.


  Part 1 - Reading (You should spend 30 minutes on this section.)

  Read the passage below carefully and answer ALL the questions which follow

  fully, in sentences, and as far as possible in your own words. Good

  presentation, writing and spelling are important.

  A Little Experiment!


  The whole house shook and the windows rattled violently. Gadgetman was at it again!

  Beans was still for only a moment. She ran out of the bathroom and dashed downstairs,

  her toothbrush in her hand.

  "Dad! Dad, what's going on?" Beans yelled.

  A high-pitched whistle shrieked through the house again. Beans ran into the kitchen.


  "Eeek!" Beans threw herself down on to the kitchen floor.

  Only just in time, too! A small red-and-yellow doobry-whatsit whizzed through the open

  kitchen window and shot over her head, before veering left to crash into a box of



  Beans shook her head as she got to her feet. Dad could blow up his workroom if he

  wanted to - and he often did! - but did he have to blow up the kitchen as well? Dad's

  workroom was at the bottom of the garden, but there were times when the bottom of the

  garden wasn't far enough away. Beans didn't mind her dad being an inventor - much! -

  but did he have to make so much noise about it?

  "Beans, are you OK?" Beans's dad called through the kitchen window.

  "Yes, Dad." Beans frowned. "What on earth are you doing? You didn't tell me your

  animal crunchies were meant to explode like that!"

  "They're not! I got the propellent mixture wrong. I'd better stop the rest of them from

  blowing up as well! Bye!" Beans's dad started across the garden.

  Beans went out into the hall. Another explosion sounded behind her. She raised her

  eyes heavenwards, then walked faster.

  I don't have time for all this. I have to get ready for school, Beans thought firmly.


  She started up the stairs, vigorously brushing her teeth, when the doorbell rang. With a

  sigh, she turned to open the door. She'd never get to school at this rate!

  It was her two best friends, Louisa and Ann. They always walked to school together.

  Beans grinned, the toothpaste frothy and bubbling in her mouth.

  "Arrgh! Mad girl! Mad girl! Call the RSPCA!" Ann took a hasty step backwards.

  Beans laughed, before choking on her toothpaste.

  "Ugh! Beans, do you have to?" Louisa wrinkled up her nose. "That is so gross!"


  They all jumped.

  "What on earth was that?" Ann asked, her green eyes round like saucers. "Your dad?"

  Beans nodded. Who else would be making that kind of racket at eight-fifteen in the

  morning? Mr McKee, their neighbour, would be knocking on the front door for sure with

  all that din.

  "It sounds like he's trying to give everyone in the street a heart attack." Louisa frowned.

  Beans shrugged, then pointed to her mouth and darted up the stairs. Toothpaste rinsed

  out, she ran back downstairs to the hall to join her friends. Dad was there ahead of her.

  His hair was sticking up in tufts all over his head, his glasses were practically off his nose,

  and the right-hand arm of his glasses was sticking in his ear rather than resting on top of

  it. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and the shorts Beans had bought him for Christmas -

  the ones with Bugs Bunny playing tennis all over them. And he only had one slipper on.

  "Is everyone sure they're all right?" Beans's dad asked anxiously.

  Louisa nodded. Ann bit her bottom lip and lowered her eyes, trying her best not to laugh.

  Beans couldn't blame her! Why did Dad have to be so embarrassing!

  "I was doing a little experiment and it ... er ... went ever so slightly wrong," he said.

  "As always!" Beans muttered.

  "Pardon, dear?"

  "Nothing, Dad," said Beans, hastily. "Rats! I've forgotten my jacket. I'll be right back."

  And she ran upstairs to her room.


  Now answer the following questions

  Write in sentences and as far as possible in your own words

  1. At what time of day were the events described taking place? How can you tell?


  2. Who was 'Gadgetman' and why had he been given this nickname? (2)

  3. Why was it remarkable that Beans should be in danger when she was in the kitchen? (2)

  4. Using facts from the whole story explain how we can tell that 'Gadgetman' had done this kind of thing before. Quote some phrases

  from the story which suggest this.


  5. Why did Beans sigh when the doorbell sounded? (2)

  6. Why did Ann shout "Arrgh ... RSPCA!"? (line 30) (2)

  7. How did Beans expect her neighbour to react to the experiments? (1)

  8. Explain fully and in your own words why Ann found it hard not to laugh. (line 47) (4)

  9. What were Beans's feelings about her father and his behaviour at different moments during the story? (You should discuss at least 3

  different incidents). (6)

  25 marks

  Part 2 - Writing (You should spend 30 minutes on this section.)


  1. Write about a time when you or a member of your family were involved in a dangerous activity or occurrence.


  2. Write a story which focuses on one incident when the main character was embarrassed in front of his/her friends by another member of the family.

  以上就是小编整理的英国私立三一中学Trinity Schoo, Croydon 10岁申请应该何时准备的相关信息,希望对您有所帮助。成立20余载的顶试留学作为UKiset(译赛)官方授权考点,在低龄留学特别是英国顶尖中学申请方面具有强大的优势:不但让2000位低龄学生考入精英中学,且90%学生最终冲刺进入世界顶尖大学(英国G5大学,美国USNews Top50大学,罗素集团)。如果您有任何留学相关问题,欢迎联系我们,顶试愿帮助您离梦想更进一步!














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