寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析 干货请收藏!


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寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

  11+ Entrance Exam English – sample paper





  Section A: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (20 marks)

  Multiple Choice - Circle the correct answer. (1 mark each – 8 marks in total)

  1. Which punctuation mark should go at the end of this sentence?

  The bear is attacking - help

  a) Question mark

  b) Exclamation mark

  c) Colon

  d) Semi-colon

  2. Which sentence below should have a colon in it?

  a) Pollution now affects every aspect of our lives food, water, air, even our moments of quiet.

  b) The girls’ bicycles were all crammed into the shelter.

  c) Andrea spent all of last week going to the sales but nothing she tried on suited her.

  d) Mr James, an American friend, drove the wrong way around a roundabout.

  3. Look carefully at the sentences below and circle the one in which you think the direct speech has been punctuated incorrectly.

  a) “Jason has joined our class. I hope you will all make him feel welcome,” said the teacher.

  b) Sarah asked, “Are you going to the party?”

  c) “Nope” his friend answered “you’re going to be the rear end of the pantomime donkey.”

  d) “Don’t shout at me!”

  4. Only one of these sentences has all of its apostrophes in the right place. Which is it?

  a) There’s no way that its going to be a nice day; the sun’s rays have been obscured by clouds since I got up.

  b) The sheeps’ wool was soft and fluffy, perfect for making sweaters’.

  c) The dogs’ kennels need to be cleaned out. If they are left as they are, the dogs will become ill.

  d) Its wheel fell off and rolled over the boys’ foot.

  5. Read the following sentence. Which punctuation mark should go between the words today and the? The exact place has been underlined for you.

  Max was late for school again today _ the bus was full by the time it got to his stop.

  a) Bracket

  b) Semi-colon

  c) Apostrophe

  d) Comma

  6. Read the following sentence and identify the main clause.

  Walking to school wrapped in her warmest scarf, Rita was in a good mood because today was her birthday.

  a) Walking to school

  b) wrapped in her warmest scarf

  c) Rita was in a good mood

  d) because today was her birthday

  7. Read the following sentence. Identify the part of the sentence that is underlined.

  Beneath the bright blue sky, the flowers, which were yellow, swayed slightly as the warm breeze blew gently over them.

  a) main clause

  b) subordinate clause

  c) adverbial phrase

  d) embedded clause

  8. Read the following sentence. What tense is it in and which type of word tells you this?

  Bees like to make honey by gathering pollen.

  a) past – verbs

  b) past – adverbs

  c) present – nouns

  d) present – verbs

  e) future – adverbs

  f) future – nouns

  Grammar Exercises – Write your answer in the lines provided. (12 marks in total)

  1. Change the verb tense in the sentence below to the past tense.

  When she wakes up, the teacher drinks her coffee in the morning.



  2. Underline the nouns (but NOT pronouns) and circle the adjectives. (2 marks)

  Time turned against the worried man. The busy stock market closed for the day and Charles could not recover the lost money.

  3. Insert the appropriate homophone from the list, using a word from each pair only once.

寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

  Anna, ______________ desk space was very small, asked her junior colleague______________ he would put ______________ office printer on his side of the desk.When he took ______________ long about it, she took matters into her own hands and shifted it herself. The ______________ was a distinct chill in the department in______________ they both worked.

  4. Change each pair of simple sentences into a single complex sentence (with at least one subordinate clause). You may change the order of the sentences.

  a) The child was walking down the street. She was eating an ice cream. (2 marks)




  b) The birds flew away. The dog barked loudly. (2 marks)




  c) The final bell of the day rang. The children cheered. (2 marks)




  Section B: Reading Passage and Questions

  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  Words in bold are defined at the end of the passage.

寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试

  Section B: Comprehension and Analysis (50 marks)

  Multiple Choice - Circle the correct answer. (2 marks each – 20 marks in total)

  1. Look at line 1. Does the family have one substantial meal because

  a) they have a lot of food to eat?

  b) they are in a rush to make some money?

  c) the father is grumpy and wants his food straight away?

  d) they are poor and do not have enough money for another large meal?

  2. In lines 5-6, the writer describes how ‘The nosy clouds peered in….’ What technique is being used here?

  a) alliteration

  b) bad weather

  c) personification

  d) rudeness

  3. Look at line 11. What does ‘threadbare’ mean?

  a) to do with animals

  b) thin and tattered with age

  c) like knitting

  d) a screen

  4. In line 29, the writer describes a ‘tiny teensy twig of a thigh’. What technique is being used here?

  a) five words in a row

  b) alliteration

  c) onomatopoeia

  d) an acronym

  5. In line 38, Clement feels that he has been ‘doing an impression of a parrot’. What does this suggest?

  a) He is brightly coloured.

  b) He has asked about the money many times.

  c) He wishes he could fly.

  d) He wants to make his mother laugh.

  6. Which of the following best describes the father’s attitude towards giving Clement twenty pounds:

  a) He thinks that it is a hilarious proposition and refuses to do it.

  b) He does not think that it is at all funny and asks his wife whether they should do it.

  c) He thinks that it is very funny but is not keen to pay for more butter for Mr Meggarty.

  d) He gets angry about the twenty pounds and sends Clement to sit outside their home.

  7. In line 50, Clement’s face ‘turned beetroot’ with the effort of shouting at his father. What technique is being used here?

  a) A metaphor

  b) Colourful assonance

  c) A vegetable

  d) A simile

  8. Look at line 52. What does ‘varmint’ mean?

  a) a young person

  b) a member of a family

  c) anyone who is after money

  d) a troublesome person

  9. Look at Clement’s father’s speech in lines 54-58. Which techniques are used to convey his amusement and anger?

  a) repetition and rhetorical questions

  b) repetition and exaggeration (hyperbole)

  c) alliteration and exaggeration (hyperbole)

  d) repetition, rhetorical questions and exaggeration (hyperbole)

  10. Who shows the most compassion for Clement?

  a) Evelina

  b) Maud

  c) Dave

  d) Mr Meggarty

  Short Answer Questions- Answer in sentences on the lines. (30 marks in total)

  1. What evidence is there in this passage that the Lawrences are poor? Make 5 separate points, using your own words. (5 marks)

   _________________________________________________________________________________________________

   _________________________________________________________________________________________________

   _________________________________________________________________________________________________

   _________________________________________________________________________________________________

   _________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Find two examples of animal imagery (similes or metaphors). What do the quotations suggest? Explain their effect.

  Example: ‘The house was a poor, wretched coop of a room.’

  Effect: This compares the house to a chicken coop, which suggests that it is small and cramped. The idea is that there is a lack of comfort, space and reinforces that the family are poor. (The comparison of people to animals is often negative, suggesting that they have a low quality of life.)

  a) Example:_____________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)




  __________________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

  b) Example:_____________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)




  __________________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

  3. Find two descriptions of Mr Meggarty. What is suggested about him and how is it effective in describing the type of person he is?

  a) Example:_____________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)






  __________________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

  b) Example:_____________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)






  __________________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

  4. Dave Lawrence (Clement’s father) laughs quite a lot in the passage. Explain why he laughs. To help you answer this, comment on what you think are the reasons behind his laughter. Use your own words.







  __________________________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)

  5. How does Clement feel about each of his parents? Support your ideas using a quotation as evidence.


  ___________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)


  ___________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)


  __________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)


  ___________________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

  6. Do you think it’s fair that Clement has to take in money for Mr Meggarty? Explain your opinion in your own words and use quotations from the passage as evidence.















  _________________________________________________________________________________________ (6 marks)

  Section C: Creative Writing (30 marks)

  This section is testing your writing skills. Answer on the lined paper.

  Continue the story from the point at which Clement and Evelina are talking to one another outside their home. They obviously cannot get the money from their parents, so how do they try to raise twenty pounds? They have only until the next morning’s school day starts. Will they be successful in their efforts to acquire the money? Will they get exactly twenty pounds? Less? More? No money at all? You choose. Make sure you include description in your story.

  Marks will be awarded for:







  以上是关于寇弗中学Colfe's School 11+英语入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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