切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,切格威尔中学一直保持着超高的升学率,该校的学术成绩十分优异,A-level考试的通过率为100%,每年进入牛津、剑桥的比例也在10%左右,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,13+是最常见的入学时间,下面,小编就为大家带来了切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  13+ Maths Specimen Paper

  1. Evaluate;

  (a) 8409 + 70.74

  Answer: ...................................................

  (b) 270 ÷ 0.12

  Answer: ...................................................

  2. Work out the following;

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ...................................................

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ...................................................

  3. simplify;

  (a) 3𝑝𝑞 × 4𝑞

  Answer: ...................................................

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ...................................................

  4. multiply out the brackets and simplify;

  (a) 4(3𝑥 − 2) − 3(𝑥 + 7)

  Answer: ...................................................

  (b) Factorise

  24𝑘2 − 18𝑘

  Answer: ...................................................

  (c) Simplify 2𝑎 − 4 − 3𝑎 + 11

  Answer: ...................................................

  5. (a) Solve the equation

  2(𝑥 + 2) = 8𝑥

  Answer: 𝑥 =............................................

  (b) (i) Solve the inequality

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ..................................................

  (ii) List the positive whole numbers which satisfy the inequality in (b) (i).

  Answer: ..................................................

  6. In this question;

  a = 2            b = -3          c = -1

  Find the value of the following expressions:

  (i) 2a + b - c

  Answer: ..................................................

  (ii) 𝑎b2

  Answer: ..................................................

  7. Complete these sentences.

  a). 20% of £21 is …………………

  b) …………………. out of 20 is 30%.

  c) 9 out of ......................... is 5%.

  8. 72 expressed as a product of its prime factors is 23 × 32

  a) Express 60 as a product of prime factors.

  Answer: .................................................

  b) What is the Highest Common Factor of 60 and 72 ?

  Answer: ..................................................

  9. Calculate these. Show each step of your calculation.

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试


切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  In the diagram, ABC is a straight line and BD = CD.

  (a) Work out the size of angle x.

  Answer: ..........................º

  (b) Work out the size of angle y.

  Answer: …...……………… º

  11. Simplify this ratio:            a) £3 : 45p

  Answer .................................

  b) The ratio of flowers to weeds in my garden is 8 : 7 . If there are 90 flowers how many weeds are there?

  Answer: ............................................

  12. Concorde could travel 1 mile every 3 seconds.

  8 kilometres is the same distance as 5 miles.

  How far would Concorde travel in 1 hour ? ( give your answer in kilometres).

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: .............................................


切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  The diagram shows part of a regular 9-sided polygon.

  Work out the size of the angle marked x.

  Answer: .................................................

  14. (a) The subject of the equation below is p

  p = 4( 3e + f )

  Rearrange the equation to make e the subject.

  Answer: ....................................................

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ...............................................

  15. Solve the simultaneous equations;

  𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 5

  4𝑦 + 3𝑥 = 20

  Answer: x = .................... y = ......................

  16. Mrs Wade invested £3200 in a rare piece of Art. After four years her investment was worth £4000. What was her percentage profit over this time?

  Answer: ...............................................

  17. (a) Complete the table of values for 𝑦 = 6 − 2 x

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  (b) What is the equation of the line drawn on the axes below.

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  Answer: ...............................................

  18. 20 students scored goals for the school hockey team last month. The table gives information about the number of goals they scored.

切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  (a) Write down the modal number of goals scored.


  (b) Work out the median number of goals scored.


  (c) Work out the mean number of goals scored.


  19. A bag contains some shapes. Each shape is a circle or a triangle or a square. Lewis takes at random a shape from the bag. The probability that he will take a circle is 0.3. The probability that he will take a triangle is 0.1

  (a) Work out the probability that he will take a square.


  (b) Work out the probability that he will take a shape with straight sides.


  Grace takes at random one of the shapes from the bag and then replaces the shape. She does this 160 times.

  (c) Work out an estimate for the number of times she will take a circle.



切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试

  a) Describe fully the transformation that takes shape P to shape Q


  b) Decribe fully the transformation that takes shape P to shape R


  以上是关于切格威尔中学Chigwell School 13+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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