英国私校11+英语入学考试笔试真题题型 赶紧来看看吧!


  英国私校11+考试是Year 7的入学考试,通常在Year 6的秋冬季进行,主要是针对10-11岁的孩子的升学考试。对于国内的家长和学生而言,同国内的小升初考试相比英国11+考试的内容区别大,笔试是每个学生必经的一项,下面,小编就为大家带来了英国私校11+英语入学考试笔试真题题型,希望对大家有所帮助:


  约克蒙特学校The Mount School York



  This is an extract from Ballet Shoes, by Noel Streatfeild. In the extract, Pauline has been invited to an audition for a stage production of Alice in Wonderland.





  Questions on Ballet Shoes

  [first paragraph]

  1. Re-read the first paragraph. Without using any of the words in the extract, write down five words to describe Winifred.

  [section from ‘Winifred looked enviously at Pauline.’ to ‘Winifred nodded to show she would not.’]

  2. Explain in detail how you think each girl might be feeling here.

  [section from ‘We’re going for Alice’ to ‘ Of course.’]

  3. The two girls have different attitudes to money. Explain what their attitudes are, and why they are different.

  [section from ‘Winifred pulled up her socks.’ to the end]

  4. Explain how the writer makes you feel sorry for Winifred here. [5]

  5. Thinking about the whole extract, what are your impressions of Pauline? Explain your ideas.


  Writing Task

  Write an account of being on stage, performing in a show.

  You can base your writing on a real experience you have had, or you can make up an imaginary situation.

  Think about how to make your writing enjoyable for the reader. For example, you could:

  ● Describe the costumes and the stage set.

  ● Go into detail about thoughts and feelings.

  ● Write about something that goes wrong, or something unexpected that happens.

  Remember to use paragraphs, and to punctuate your writing so that it is easy to follow.

  汤布里奇公学Tonbridge school


  Section A

  Argue against one of the following statements:

  a) ‘Aliens do not exist.’

  b) ‘Friends are more important than family.’

  c) ‘Some triangles can have four sides.’

  d) ‘Humans and animals are equal.’

  e) ‘Stealing is always wrong.’

  Section B

  Write a short story on one of the following topics:

  a) The other side of the mirror

  b) My great grandmother

  c) The walk along the motorway

  Concentrate more on description and characterisation than fitting in a complicated plot. It’s fine if only one thing happens, as long as you describe it, and how it makes your character feel, in an interesting way!

  Section C

  Read this extract from Simon Schama’s A History of Britain.

  In your own words summarise Schama’s argument.

  Historians like a quiet life, and usually they get it. For the most part, history moves at a deliberate pace, working its changes subtly and incrementally. Nations and their institutions harden into shape or crumble away like sediment carried by the flow of a sluggish river. But there are moments when history is unsubtle; when changes arrive in a violent rush, decisive, bloody, traumatic; as a truck-load of trouble, wiping out everything that gives a culture its bearings –custom, language, law and loyalty. 1066 was one of those moments.

  It is certainly true that, for the majority of the population of Anglo-Saxon England (let alone the rest of Britain), 1066 was mostly a matter of exchanging lords. The slaves at the bottom of AngloSaxon society who could be bought and sold could hardly have cared less what language their masters spoke. Peasants ploughed their fields, fed swill to their pigs, prayed to avoid poverty and pestilence and watched the seasons roll around.

  It is true that every spring, the grass came up green again. But in 1066 there were bones under the buttercups and the entire governing class of Anglo-Saxon England, some 4000 to 5000 lords, had been made to vanish and power, wealth, men and beasts had been given to foreigners. You could survive and still be English. You could even speak the language. But politically you were now a member of an inferior race. You lived in England, but it was no longer your country.

  伦敦城市中学City of London School







  1. Which statement best describes the picture of England given in the first paragraph?

  A. People boasted of how they were not afraid of the violent robberies

  B. Violent robberies were frequent and people were afraid

  C. People wore disguises so their bravery was not recognised

  D. People boasted of how good their disguises were

  Your answer: ___________________

  2. Where did most of the robberies occur?

  A. In Turnham Green

  B. Outside London

  C. In London

  D. In St Giles’ church

  Your answer: ___________________

  3. What is the effect of the writer’s use of semi‐colons in this paragraph?

  A. To make the narrator seem out of breath for effect

  B. To ensure that the sentences do not get too long

  C. To build up long descriptive sentences for effect

  D. To show that each sentence follows on from the last

  Your answer: ___________________

  4. What do you understand by the following phrase: ‘the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light’?

  A. Highwaymen do the same work as City traders

  B. City tradesmen turned out the lights for highwaymen

  C. City tradesmen have to work two jobs to survive

  D. A City tradesman might rob people at night

  Your answer: ___________________

  5. What happens to the mail?

  A. A bloody shootout occurs, after which no‐one resists further robberies

  B. A bloody shootout occurs, after which no‐one dares rob the mail

  C. A bloody shootout occurs, after which peace is restored

  D. A bloody shootout occurs, after which a peaceful silence ensues

  Your answer: ___________________

  6. What are we told regarding the Mayor of London?

  A. The Mayor shows a great deal of potential delivering a speech on Turnham Green

  B. The Mayor is forced to deliver mail to Turnham Green because there are no postmen

  C. The Mayor is robbed on Turnham Green and humiliated in front of his followers

  D. The Mayor is robbed on Turnham Green and delivers a speech showing his potential to his


  Your answer: ___________________

  7. What do you understand by the phrase ‘nobody thought any of these occurrences much out of the common way’?

  A. Common people did not think much about these events

  B. Common people did not go out of their way to consider these incidents

  C. People thought that these events were not common

  D. People thought that these incidents were common

  Your answer: ___________________

  8. What is the effect of the opening sentence of paragraph two?

  A. To move the story on from London to Dover

  B. To move the story on to specific events

  C. To give a sense of the history behind the narrative

  D. To introduce the history of the mail business

  Your answer: ___________________

  9. Which of the following is the best synonym for the word ‘lumbered’ in this context?

  A. Climbed

  B. Burdened

  C. Plodded

  D. Loaded

  Your answer: ___________________

  10. Which word in the second or third paragraph emphasises how muddy the road is?

  A. Reek

  B. Mire

  C. Tremulous

  D. Clammy

  Your answer: ___________________

  11. From where has the coach come?

  A. Dover

  B. Shooter’s Hill

  C. Blackheath

  D. Turnham Green

  Your answer: ___________________

  12. Why are the passengers walking?

  A. They wanted to get some exercise

  B. They were scared of being trapped inside by robbers

  C. The horses had decided to stop

  D. The horses could not pull them and everything else

  Your answer: ___________________

  13. Who is feeling ‘mutinous’?

  A. The passengers

  B. The horses

  C. The driver

  D. The highwaymen

  Your answer: ___________________

  14. What do you think the word ‘capitulated’ means in this context?

  A. Gave in

  B. Returned to the capital city

  C. Agreed

  D. Considered their options

  Your answer: ________

  15. What do you understand by the last sentence of paragraph two?

  A. After a rest, the horses are refreshed and continue walking

  B. The horses are terrified of the coachman

  C. The horses are exhausted and find continuing the journey difficult

  D. The horses want to continue but they are stuck in the mud

  Your answer: ___________________

  16. What technique is the writer using when he says ‘as if they were falling to pieces at the larger joints’?

  A. Metaphor

  B. Simile

  C. Personification

  D. Analogy

  Your answer: ___________________

  17. What type of words are ‘mashed’, ‘floundering’ and ‘stumbling’?

  A. Prepositions

  B. Adjectives

  C. Adverbs

  D. Verbs

  Your answer: ___________________

  18. ‘There was a steaming mist in all the hollows, and it had roamed in its forlornness up the hill, like an evil spirit, seeking rest and finding none’ – what two techniques are used in this sentence?

  A. Simile and metaphor

  B. Metaphor and personification

  C. Simile and personification

  D. Metaphor and analogy

  Your answer: ___________________

  19. What is the narrative effect of the description of the mist in paragraph three?

  A. It makes it seem like a horror story

  B. The lack of visibility contributes to the tension

  C. It helps the reader see a picture in his or her mind of the mist

  D. It makes it clear that there is a highwayman hidden in the mist

  Your answer: ___________________

  20. What does the writer imply through the following statement: ‘each was hidden under almost as many wrappers from the eyes of the mind, as from the eyes of the body’?

  A. They were covered from head to toe in clothing

  B. Their eyes were covered so they could not see

  C. Their imaginations were affected by the mist and cold

  D. They revealed nothing to each other because they were suspicious

  Your answer: ___________________

  21. Which statement best describes the character of the coachman?

  A. Friendly, impatient and nervous

  B. Friendly, patient and nervous

  C. Irritated, impatient and nervous

  D. Irritated, patient and nervous

  Your answer: ___________________

  22. Why is the coachman ‘vexed’?

  A. He can hear people approaching

  B. He is afraid they will be shot

  C. He feels they are going too slowly

  D. He does not get on with the guard

  Your answer: ___________________

  23. What is the effect of the short sentences at the end of the passage?

  A. It makes the coachman and guard seem tense and fearful

  B. It makes it easier to read

  C. It shows that the coachman and guard are not very clever

  D. It slows down the pace of the passage, allowing the reader to think more carefully

  Your answer: ___________________

  24. How does the writer build tension at the end of this passage?

  A. He deliberately confuses the reader with a lot of detail

  B. He does not tell the reader who is approaching through the mist

  C. He does not tell the reader who is on the coach

  D. He deliberately provides a minimum of detail to the reader

  Your answer: ___________________

  25. What do you think an ‘adjuration’ is, based upon the context?

  A. A desperate request

  B. A whispered order

  C. A movement

  D. A fearful thought

  Your answer: ___________________



  Continue the story, recounting what happens next as the passengers on the coach find out what is coming towards them.

   Spend 5 minutes planning your writing in the box below























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