拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析 干货请收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,拉蒂默中学位于伦敦西部的Hammersmith区域,该校有着非常严谨的学术氛围,不仅学术成绩优异,而且还为学生提供了一系列的课外活动,比如游泳、舞蹈、音乐等等,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试必经的一项考试,下面,小编就为大家带来了拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  Part 1 Reading

  (30 minutes)

  Read the extract provided and answer the questions which follow using full sentences where appropriate. Please be careful about spelling and punctuation in your answers.

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  The marks for each question are indicated, and are there to help you.

  Part 2 Writing(30 minutes)

  The writing section of the paper will ask you to continue the story using a similar style to the writer of the extract.

  You will be told when you have 30 minutes left.


  Write your answers in the spaces provided after each question. If you run out of space for an answer use the space provided at the end of this booklet, numbering your answers carefully.

  Reading Section – 30 minutes

  1. Identify two similes from the second paragraph (lines 4 – 10 ) of the passage.



  2. Find one piece of evidence (a phrase used by the writer) from the third paragraph that begins (How long I slept I know not) and then explain in your own words how the writer makes the narrator sound anxious. Explain in your own words how the writer creates this impression. (Use this sentence starter to help you; write in full sentences and include the evidence in your answer)

  The writer makes the narrator sound anxious by_________________________________





  3. The word ‘resolute’ means firm. On line 16, the writer uses this word to describe the narrator. What image of the narrator does this create for the reader?

  The word ‘resolute’ makes the narrator seem___________________________________





  4. Looking at paragraph 2 that begins ‘I packed, therefore, such goods,’ explain in your own words what the narrator does once on the island.




  5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and put a tick in the correct box.

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  6. Using the information in the paragraph that begins, “Sure enough the bird settled slowly down upon it” identify 3 phrases that shows that the bird is impressive.



  iii. ___________________________________________________________________________

  7. The narrator remembers that he has often heard sailors talk of the roc bird before. Explain what impression of the roc bird is created for the reader by this piece of information?




  8. Using the information in the paragraph that begins, ‘The valley in which I found myself was deep and narrow,’ identify two adjectives that the writer has used to describe the diamonds.



  9. In the paragraph that begins ‘Alone on this strange and remote island,’ What phrase does the writer use to suggest the narrator’s regret about being on the island at all?



  10. Look again at this description of the narrator.

  ‘I had resolved, as you know, on my return from my first sea voyage, to spend the rest of my days quietly in Bagdad, but very soon I grew tired of such an idle life and longed once more to find myself upon the enigmatic water discovering the world’s mysteries and hidden treasures.’

  Think of 3 different adjectives of your own that you could use to describe the narrator here.



  iii. ___________________________________________________________________________

  11. Write down the meaning of the following words. (They are underlined in the passage).

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  12. Look again at the following two images (underlined in the passage) and explain in your own words the effect created by them.

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  Writing Section – 30 minutes

  ➢ Take care with spelling, punctuation and paragraphing and try to be neat. 5 of the 25 marks for this task are specifically for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

  ➢ There are 20 marks available for the content. You will be marked on how creative you have been and how well you have managed to imitate the tone and style of the passage.


  The extract finishes with a mysterious object falling to the ground next to where the narrator is sitting.

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  Continue the narrator’s tale in which you describe what the mysterious object is and what happens next.

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试










拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试

  以上是关于拉蒂默中学The Latymer School year7英语入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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