哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试笔试题型大赏析!


  在英国有这么一所顶尖的私立男校,它每年几乎有12%的学生升读大学,其中22%的学生升读牛剑,并且该校的校友更是遍布各个领域,比如经济学家Peter Oppenheimer、历史学家Simon Schama、赛车选手Damon Hill、作家/喜剧演员David Baddiel……这所私校就是哈博戴斯阿斯科男校,下面,小编就为大家带来了哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  13+ Entrance Examination CHEMISTRY






  Q1. Some pupils carried out an investigation to find out whether more sugar or more salt dissolved in water at 60°C

  Here are some of the steps in their investigation. They are not in correct order.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (a) Put the letters A, B, C, D and E in the boxes below to show the correct order of the steps in their investigation.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (b) Why did they use a measuring cylinder?


  (c) They used water at 60°C in both beakers.

  What else did they do to make their investigation fair?


  (d) They counted the number of spatulas of sugar or salt added to the water until no more would dissolve.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (i) Why was this not an accurate method of measuring how much sugar or salt they added?



  (ii) Suggest a more accurate method of measuring how much sugar or salt they added.



  (e) What name do we give to the mixture present when we have added more solid than will dissolve so that some solid is left floating in the liquid?


  Q2. The list below shows properties that different elements can have.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (a) Which two properties from the list above make aluminium suitable for saucepans?

  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

  2. ……………………………......................................................

  (b) Which property in the list above explains why:

  (i) copper is used in the cable of a television?


  (ii) a lot of oxygen gas can be pumped into a very small container?


  Q3. (a) Sunil picked yellow, red and purple primula flowers from his garden.

  He dipped the different flower petals into water and into two different solutions.

  The pH of one solution was 1 and the pH of the other was 10.

  This table shows the results.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  Which colour of flower petal would be most useful to make an indicator for both acids and alkalis?





  Sunil crushed petals from each flower separately in some liquid and poured off the coloured solutions. Then he put drops of each coloured solution into the middle of different pieces of filter paper.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (b) What is the name of this method of investigating coloured substances?


  c) Sunil made notes on his experiment. Some words are missing.

  Complete the sentences.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  Q4. (a) The apparatus in the diagram below is used to obtain pure water from impure water.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (i) What temperature would the thermometer show?


  (ii) What is the function of the piece of apparatus labelled R?



  (iii) Give the name of the process which purifies water in this way.


  (b) Look back to the apparatus in part (a).

  Give the letter, A, B, C or D, from the diagram above, for the change of state which occurs:

  in the round-bottomed flask


  in the piece of apparatus labelled R


  (b) The diagram below shows particles in a gas, a solid and a liquid.

  Each arrow, A, B, C and D, represents a change of state.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (i) Choose from the following words to complete the sentences below.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  Change of state A is called


  Change of state B is called


  Change of state C is called


  Change of state D is called


  Q5. Solder is a mixture of lead and tin.

  The melting point of solder depends on the amount of tin in the mixture.

  (a) Look at the table below.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (i) The melting point of pure tin is 232°C.

  What is the melting point of pure lead?


  (ii) Use the data in the table to plot the points on the grid below.

  Four of the points are plotted for you.

  Draw an appropriate line of best fit.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  (b) Use your graph to estimate the amount of tin needed to make solder with the lowest melting point.


  (c) Describe how the melting point of solder changes with the amount of tin in the solder.





  (d) The diagrams below show the arrangement of atoms in solid samples of pure lead and pure tin.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  Which box shows the correct arrangement of the lead atoms and tin atoms at room temperature in a sample of solder that has a melting point of 212°C?

  Use the table above.

  Tick the correct box.

哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试

  以上是关于哈博戴斯阿斯科男校The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 13+化学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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