海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试笔试题型 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,海格特公学成立于1565年,距今已有450多年的历史,该校严谨的教学风气孕育出一大批杰出的人才,比如公爵Frank Alexander、公爵Charles Batho等,四次荣获奥斯卡最佳艺术奖的John Box、 曾执导著名电影《国王的演讲》的Tom Hooper、英国皇家海军上将Frank Finnis……因此,越来越多的学生去该校求学,下面,小编就为大家带来了海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试


  11+ Sample Paper C







  Question 1

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  Some vegetables are being sold at a market.

  a) Delon buys 17 carrots and 6 turnips.

  Carrots cost 8p each and turnips cost 13p each.

  How much did Delon spend in total?

  Delon spends £_______________________________

  b) Potatoes are only sold in sacks of 12 potatoes. One of these sacks costs 56p. Stanley has £3.20.

  How many potatoes can Stanley buy, and how much money does he have left over?

  Stanley buys__________________potatoes, and has_______________p left over.

  c) Zane buys 16 red peppers, and receives £8.32 change from a £20 note.

  What is the price of a pepper?

  Each red pepper costs _________________pence

  d) 5 giant mushrooms cost the same as 3 cucumbers.

  Marvin buys 12 cucumbers for £3.60.

  What is the cost of 8 giant mushrooms?

  8 giant mushrooms cost__________________

  e) Asha sells vegetables at the market. On Monday she sold half of her vegetables. On Tuesday she sold a third of the vegetables she had left.

  What fraction of her original stock does she have left to sell on Wednesday?

  Asha has __________________of her vegetables remaining.

  Question 2

  Mr Smith is making patterns out of matchsticks. His patterns form a sequence.

海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试

  a) How many matchsticks are needed to make Pattern 7?


  b) Which Pattern is made from 217 matchsticks?


  Mr Doyle is also making patterns out of matchsticks.

海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试

  c) Explain why it is not possible for Mr Doyle to make a pattern using 144 matchsticks:




  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  d) Grange Hill School has the same number of pupils in each class, but there are more classes in year 7 than in year 8.

  Year 7 has 154 pupils, and year 8 has 110 pupils.

  What is the largest number of pupils which could be in each class?

  The largest possible number of pupils in a class is___________________________________

  e) A school teaches French and German. All 165 pupils in year 9 study at least one language. Some pupils study just French, others study just German, and some study both French and German.

  In total 112 pupils study French, and 92 pupils study German. How many pupils study only one language?


  Question 3

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  a) Tanya mixes cranberry juice and lemonade to make a refreshing drink.

  She uses 3 times more lemonade than cranberry juice to make the drink.

  Tanya uses 759ml of lemonade.

  How much of the drink does she make?


  b) A drink is made by mixing fruit juice with water.

  39ml of fruit juice is needed to make 600ml of the drink.

  How much water is needed make 800ml of the drink?


  c) In a maths test pupils have to answer all 20 questions. 3 marks are awarded for each correct answer, but 1 mark is subtracted for each incorrect answer.

  Bobby answers 4 more questions correctly than Tim, and between them they score 48 marks in total. How many questions did Tim answer correctly?

  Tim answers_______________________questions correctly

  d) In the mathematics puzzles below, the numbers in the square boxes are found by multiplying the two numbers in the circles it is joined to together.

  Fill in all of the missing numbers in both the circles and the squares. The first puzzle has been solved for you as an example.

海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试

  Question 4

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  a) Mr Rossi owns an ice cream van.

  Yesterday he had 140 customers. 35% of them bought a choc ice.

  How many people bought a choc ice?


  b) Today Mr Rossi has 430 customers, and 86 of them bought an ice lolly.

  What percentage of today’s customers bought an ice lolly?

  _______________________________% customers

  c) Mr Rossi has a sale on fizzy drinks. He has reduced his prices by 30%. A can of cola now costs 98 pence.

  What did a can of cola cost before the sale?


  d) Tori bought 5 jelly worms and 7 sherbet dib-dabs for £3.37.

  Meera bought 5 jelly worms and 2 sherbet dib-dabs for £1.57

  How much does a jelly worm cost, and how much does a sherbet dib-dab cost?

  A jelly worm costs_____________________p , a sherbet dib-dab costs__________________p

  e) Mr Rossi is looking at his monthly accounts.

  Two fifths of his money was made from selling ice cream.

  The rest of his money came from selling sweets and from selling fizzy drinks.

  He made twice as much money from selling fizzy drinks than from sweets.

  He made £330 from selling fizzy drinks.

  How much money does he make in total?


  以上是关于海格特公学Highgate School 11+数学C卷入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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