北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立女校,北伦敦学院可谓是开创了女子教育的先河,在160多年的历史长河中,培养了无数优秀的女性人才,该校一直秉承着最高的教学实践成果、每年有超过40%的学生深入牛津、剑桥、哈佛、斯坦福等名校,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一项,下面,小编就为大家带来了北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试









  1 Fill in the blanks with one number:

  (a)1002-997= _______

  (b)53+27= _______ ×5

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ……., ……., ……., ……., …….

  (b) You are given the numbers 1 to 6. Put one number in each space in the subtraction below so that the answer is as large as possible, and calculate the answer.

  _____ _____ _____ -- _____ _____ _____ =

  (c) You are given that 43 x 43 = 1849

  What is 4.3 x 4.3?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  3 Draw the reflection of the following shape in the dotted mirror line.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  4 The arrow below is pointing exactly halfway between the two marks either side of it. What number is the arrow pointing to? Give your answer as a decimal and do not round it.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  5 Fill in the missing numbers which make these statements correct.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  6 It takes 2 robots 3 hours to build a wall which is 1.5 m long.

  (a) How long does it take 2 robots to build a wall which is 9 m long?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  (b) How many robots does it take to build a 1.5 m wall in 6 hours?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  7 Write down the smallest number which is not only an even number but also a multiple of 5 and a square number.

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  8 Ms Santiago has three different colours of pen: blue, red and green. The ratio of blue to red pens in 4:5 and the ratio of red to green pens is 7:10. What is the ratio of blue to green pens?

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  9 Lucy is at a sweet shop buying sweets to share with her friends. She buys 7 packets of chocolate buttons each costing 56p.

  (a) How much does she spend on chocolate buttons in total?

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  (b) In total, Lucy discovers that she has exactly 168 chocolate buttons. How many chocolate buttons are there in each bag?

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  (c) Shreya is also at the sweet shop. She buys 13 caramel bars. She pays with a £20 note and gets £11.81 change. How much does each caramel bar cost?

  Answer: …….….……………………………

  10 A shape is created by sticking 6 identical cubes to the faces of a seventh cube, as shown in the picture below.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  The volume of this shape is 189 cm3.

  What is the length of each smaller cube?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  11 The net shown here is cut out and folded to make a cube.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Label the following net with the letters A, B, C, D and E so that when it is cut out and folded it makes exactly the same cube as before.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  12 Lina has some beads.

  If Lina arranges them into piles of 7, there is one bead left over.

  If Lina arranges them into piles of 9, there are three beads left over.

  How many beads does Lina have?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  13 At a garden party there are 7 trays of sausages with a mean average of 13 sausages per tray. Just before the guests are allowed in, the head chef brings out another tray containing 21 sausages. What is the mean average number of sausages on the trays now?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  14 A concert hall has sold 60% of its tickets for a particular night. 28 tickets remain unsold. How many people can the concert hall hold in total?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  15 Over the summer, the hedge in my garden increased its height by a quarter. What fraction of the hedge do I need to cut away for it to be brought back to its original height?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  16 An isosceles triangle is shown below. What is the angle labelled A?

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  17 Angela, Bernice and Candice all buy gummy bear sweets at 6 pence each.

  Angela buys two more gummy bears than Bernice.

  Bernice buys eight more gummy bears than Candice.

  Together the three girls spend £3.42 on gummy bears.

  Work out how many gummy bears Angela buys.

  Answer: Angela buys ……...gummy bears

  18 In a village that uses an old bartering system, 3 chickens have the same value as 1 pig, and 8 pigs have the same value as 1 cow.

  (a) How many cows would you need to buy 24 pigs?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  (b) How many chickens do you need to buy 7 cows?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  (c) I have 21 chickens and 10 pigs but decide to try and swap everything for some cows. How many cows can I get, and what do I have left over?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ….….squares need to be shaded

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  21 At a particular music school, 70% of all the pupils play the violin and 80% of all the pupils play the piano. The headmistress wonders, “What percentage of all the pupils play both the violin and the piano?”

  (a) What is the largest possible answer to the headmistress’s question?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  (b) What is the smallest possible answer to the headmistress’s question?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  22 Even when the camel Charlie is thirsty, 84% of his weight is due to the water in his body. After he drinks, his weight increases to 800 kg and 85% of it is now due to the water in his body.

  (a) What is the weight of Charlie which is not due to the water in his body?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  (b) What is the weight of Charlie when he is thirsty?

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  23 Five identical small rectangles fit together as shown to form one large rectangle.

  The height of the large rectangle is 10 cm.

  What is the area of the large rectangle?

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  24 A number of identical rectangles are laid out as shown below. Find the perimeter of a rectangle given the information in the following diagram.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  Answer: ..……………………………………

  25 Circles have been placed along the three sides of a triangle as shown below. Write a digit from 1 to 9 in each of the circles so that the total of the four digits along any side is the same. Each digit from 1 to 9 should be used exactly once. Use a pencil so that you can rub out any incorrect attempts.

北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试

  以上是关于北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School 11+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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