特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型 赶紧请收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,特鲁罗学校不仅注重学生的学术成绩,而且还为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外活动,有70多种活动可供学生来选择,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必考的一项,下面,小编就为大家带来了特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试



  1. (a) A rugby club is planning a trip.

  The club hires 17 coaches. Each coach holds 42 passengers.

  How many passengers is that altogether?

  Show your working.

  ………………… passengers

  (b) The club wants to put one first aid kit into each of the 17 coaches.

  These first aid kits are sold in boxes of 5

  How many boxes does the club need?

  ………………… boxes


特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  (a) 137 people paid the entrance fee on Monday.

  How much money is that altogether?

  Show your working.


  (b) The museum took £660 in entrance fees on Friday.

  How many people paid to visit the museum on Friday?

  Show your working.

  …………… people

  3. (a) Look at these fractions.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  Mark each fraction on the number line.

  The first one is done for you.

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  (b) Fill in the missing numbers in the boxes.

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  4. The number 6 is halfway between 4.5 and 7.5

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  Fill in the missing numbers below.

  The number 6 is halfway between 3.5 and .....................

  The number 6 is halfway between –2 and ......................

  (b) Work out the number that is halfway between 39 × 13 and 41 × 13 Show your working.


  5. The table shows some percentages of amounts of money

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  You can use the table to help you work out the missing numbers.

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  6. On a farm 80 sheep gave birth.

  30% of the sheep gave birth to two lambs.

  The rest of the sheep gave birth to just one lamb.

  In total, how many lambs were born?

  Show your working.

  ………………… lambs

  7. Here is a list of numbers:

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  You can choose some of the numbers from the list and add them to find their total.

  For example,

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  (a) Choose two of the numbers from the list which have a total of 1

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  (b) Choose two of the numbers from the list which have a total of –3

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  Choose two other numbers from the list which have a total of –3

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  (c) What is the total of all eight of the numbers on the list?

  (d) Choose the three numbers from the list which have the lowest possible total.

  Write the three numbers and their total.

  You must not use the same number more than once.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  8. Kay is drawing shapes on her computer.

  (a) She wants to draw this triangle. She needs to know angles a, b and c。

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  Calculate angles a, b and c.

  a = .............................. º

  b = .............................. º

  c = .............................. º

  (b) Kay draws a rhombus:

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  Calculate angles d and e.

  d = .............................. º

  e = .............................. º

  9. Write each expression in its simplest form.

  4 + 3t + 5t


  3b + 6 + 2b + 7


  (3d - 5) + 3(d + 2)


  (m + 1)(m + 3)


  10. (a) When x = 3, work out the values of the expressions below.

  3x + 2 = ........................

  5x – 14 = ..........................

  7 – 4x = ........................

  (b) When 3y + 1 = 19, work out the value of y Show your working.

  y = .................

  (c) Solve the equation 7y + 5 = 3y + 13 Show your working.

  y = .................

  11. (a) Circle the best estimate of the answer to

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  (b) Circle the best estimate of the answer to

特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试

  Give your answer to 1 significant figure.


特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试


  12. (a) Two numbers multiply together to make 12

  They add together to make 7

  What are the two numbers? ………………… and …………………

  (b) Two numbers multiply together to make 12

  but add together to make 13

  What are the two numbers? ………………… and …………………

  (c) Two numbers multiply together to make –8

  but add together to make 2

  What are the two numbers? ………………… and …………………

  (d) The square of 9 is 81

  The square of another number is also 81

  What is that other number? …………………

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特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试


  (c) What is the biggest fraction you can make by adding two different unit fractions?

  Show your working.


  以上是关于特鲁罗学校Truro School 13+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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