特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型 赶紧请收藏!


  作为英国一所有着140多年历史的私立混校,特鲁罗学校拥有着完善的、个性化的教牧支持网络、优秀的设施和广泛的课外活动,并且该校的学术成绩也十分优异,每年有大约10名左右的学生被牛津、剑桥大学录取,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  11+ Entrance Exam

  Q1. These are the prices of cheese in a shop.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Mina buys 200g of Cheddar cheese and 150g of Edam cheese.

  How much does she pay altogether?

  Seb buys some cottage cheese for £1.35.

  How many grams of cottage cheese does he get?

  Q2. Calculate 544 ÷ 32

  Q3. Each of these cards has two numbers on it.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Stefan chooses one card without looking.

  He adds the two numbers together.

  What is the most likely total of the numbers on his card?

  Q4. A and B are joined by a straight line on coordinate axes.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  The dots on the line are equally spaced.

  What are the coordinates of C?

  Q5. Here are five shapes on a regular grid.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Which shape has the longest perimeter?

  Which shape has only one line of symmetry?

  Q6. Calculate 3.81 + 18.3

  Q7. 500 children started a 20 kilometre sponsored cycle ride.

  This graph shows how far they cycled.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  At what distance were exactly half of the children still cycling?

  Estimate how many children completed the 20 kilometre cycle ride.

  Q8. Freddie is half as tall as his mother.

  Freddie is one metre shorter than his father.

  Freddie’s father is 180 centimetres tall.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  How many centimetres tall is Freddie’s mother?

  Q9. Joe places some apples on a weighing scale.

  The pointer shows the mass of the apples.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  He takes away one apple.

  The mass goes down by 120 grams.

  Draw the pointer in its new position on the scale below

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  This pie chart shows the ingredients to make a food mixture for wild birds.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Estimate the percentage of mixture that is suet.

  Mina uses 100 grams of millet in the mixture.

  Estimate how many grams of sunflower seeds she should use.

  Q11. Calculate 560 × 28

  Q12. Here are some shapes on a 1cm square grid.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  What is the perimeter of shape A?

  Write the letter of the shape that has the smallest area.


特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Mina has 5 more marbles than Kirsty.

  Kirsty has 2 more marbles than Seb.

  Altogether they have 30 marbles.

  How many marbles does each child have?

  Q14. In a class, 18 of the children are girls.

  A quarter of the children in the class are boys.

  Altogether, how many children are there in the class?

  Q15. Here are five letters on a scale.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  Match each letter to one of the capacities in the list below.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试


  Cleo has 24 centimetre cubes.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  She uses all 24 cubes to make a cuboidwith dimensions 6 cm, 2 cm and 2 cm.

  Write the dimensions of a different cuboid she can make using all 24 cubes.

特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试

  以上是关于特鲁罗学校Truro School 11+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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