帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 试着来做题吧!


  在英国有这么一所私立学校,它距今已有400多年的历史,该校为学生提供了各式各样的课外活动,比如体育方面的篮球、足球、网球、骑马等项目,也有音乐方面的管弦乐、摇滚乐队……除此之外,该校的学术成绩也十分优异,每年有大约10%的学生升入牛剑,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  13+ Mathematics Sample

  1. Calculate the following, showing a clear method where appropriate:

  a. 25 ÷ (22 + 6 - 5)


  b. 34.5 + 1.89 + 300


  c. 2.3 × 1.9


  d. 44.5 ÷ 0.5


  e. 43 − 17


  f. 3836 ÷ 7


  2. Solve the following equations:

  a. 5𝑦 = 90

  𝑦 = __________

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  𝑞 = __________

  c. 4𝑡 − 9 = 63

  𝑡 = __________

  d. 𝑝2 = 25

  𝑝 = __________ p= __________

  e. 68 = 4(2𝑥 + 3)

  𝑥 = __________

  3. Calculate the following. You must show all your working out. Give your answers as mixed numbers in their simplest form.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试


帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试


  4. Expand these brackets and simplify where possible:

  a. 3(2𝑥 − 1)


  b. 3(2𝑥 + 1) + 4(𝑥 + 2)


  5. Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  6. Write down the next 3 terms in each of these sequences:

  a. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, _____, _____, _____

  b. -1, -5, -9, -13, -17, _____, _____, _____

  c. 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, _____, _____, _____

  d. 8.2, 8.6, 9.0, 9.4, 9.8, _____, _____, _____

  7. A car is travelling for 3 hours and it travels 180 miles. What is the car’s average speed?

  ____________________ miles per hour

  8. There are 120 pupils in year 8 in Daventry High School.

  95% of these pupils go out of school on a Geography field trip.

  How many pupils are left at school?

  ____________________ pupils

  9. Find the missing angles from the diagrams below:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  Angle d = _________ (1 mark)

  Angle e = _________ (1 mark)

  Angle f = _________ (1 mark)

  Angle g = _________ (1 mark)

  10. In a class of 30 children the boys and girls are in the ratio 3:2.

  Calculate how many boys and girls there are.

  There are ______ boys

  There are ______ girls

  11. Look at the shapes below and draw on any lines of symmetry with a ruler.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  12. Write these fractions as decimals:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试


帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试


  13. Lauren gets up in the morning at 6:30am.

  It takes her 10 minutes to get dressed.

  It takes her 20 minutes to eat breakfast.

  She watches TV for 10 minutes.

  She sets off for school in the car and the journey takes 50 minutes.

  Once at school she goes into ‘before school club’ for 30 minutes then she goes to school.

  What time does she get into school?

  __________ am

  14. A large bar of chocolate has 80 squares.

  a. Penny gives 25% of the bar of chocolate to Fred. How many squares does Fred get?

  ____________________ squares

  b. Out of the remaining squares, Penny gives 40% to Charlotte.

  How many squares of chocolate does Penny keep for herself?

  ____________________ squares


帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  a. Covert €90 to Yen.

  ____________________ Yen (1 mark)

  b. Convert ¥8000 to Euros.

  ____________________ Euros (1 mark)

  c. A shop in Japan says it will accept Euros. Adam pays with a €100 note for a camera costing ¥6000. How may Yen should he receive in change?

  ____________________ Yen (3 marks)

  16. Here is a diagram of a flowerbed, which is in the middle of a lawn in a garden.

  The flowerbed is a square, measuring 2m by 2m.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试

  a. The gardener has to mow the lawn. What is the area of the lawn?

  _______ m2

  b. The gardener has to trim all the way around the edge of the entire lawn with a strimmer.

  What is the length of the entire perimeter of the lawn edges that he has to trim?

  ____________________ m

  17. Calculate answers to the following expressions, when 𝑎 = 3, 𝑏 = −2 and 𝑐 = 5.

  a. 3𝑏𝑎 + 𝑐2


  b. (𝑐 + 𝑏)3


帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试


  以上是关于帕克林顿学校Pocklington School 13+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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