2024年伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试笔试题型大赏析 看看你会做吗?


  作为一所位于英国伦敦金融中心的私立男校,伦敦城市学校可谓是私立男校教育的典范,这里不仅拥有着优越的地理位置,还连年稳居英国公学TOP10的牛剑升学率,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一道门槛,下面,小编就为大家带来了2024年伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试


  1. Work out:

  (a) 3178 + 927


  (b) 2018 − 394


  (c) 428 × 6


  2. A bag contains 60 sweets. 25 are red, 17 are green, 8 are blue and the rest are yellow.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (a) How many sweets are yellow?


  (b) What fraction of the sweets are red? Give your answer in its simplest form.


  3. State whether the following sentences about prime numbers are true or false. Circle the correct answer.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试


  (a) If I am facing North West and turn 135° anticlockwise, which direction will I be facing?

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试


  (b) Through what angle does the minute hand turn through from 2:25 to 2:45?

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试


  (c) I am facing forward and make one turn of 40° clockwise. How many more turns do I need to make to be facing forwards again?


  5. I think of a number, subtract 11 and then double it. The result is 34. What number was I thinking of?

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试


  6. Draw all the lines of symmetry on the following shapes:

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  7. Write down the next two numbers in the following patterns:

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  8. Calculate 218 × 57


  9. Below is a list of the six tallest buildings in the City of London, given in metres:

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (a) How tall is Tower 42 in millimetres?

  ……………………………………….. mm

  (b) How tall is “The Gherkin” in kilometres?

  ……………………………………….. km

  (c) The Shard is a building outside the City of London. It measures 310 m.

  What is the difference in height, in metres, between The Shard and the tallest building in the City of London?

  ……………………………………….. m

  10. Write the following decimals as fractions in their simplest form:

  (a) 0.4


  (b) 0.45


  (c) 0.068


  11. Arrange the following fractions in order from smallest to largest:

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  12. Work out the following:

  (a) 13.6 + 2.9


  (b) 5.2 – 1.7


  (c) 4.32 + 1.8


  13. A piece of rectangular paper measures 15 cm by 40 cm.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (a) Calculate the area of the piece of paper.

  ……………………………………….. cm2

  The paper is shaded leaving three white rectangles whose measurements are 40 cm by 5 cm, 20 cm by 5 cm and 10 cm by 5 cm. This is shown in the diagram below.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (b) Calculate the fraction of the paper that is shaded. Give your answer in its simplest form.


  14. Which number when multiplied by 30 is the same as 21 × 20?


  15. A unicycle has 1 wheel, a bicycle has 2 wheels and a tricycle has 3 wheels.

  In the park there are the same number of unicycles, bicycles and tricycles.

  In total there are 57 tricycle wheels. How many bicycle wheels are there in total?


  16. In a school of 425 pupils, there are 9 girls for every 8 boys. How many boys are there in the school?


  17. Calculate: 2018 × 13


  18. Below is the train timetable for the Abington to Farmouth service.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (a) Which is the fastest train that travels from Abington to Farmouth?


  (b) If I catch the 09:34 train from Cowley, how low will it take to arrive in Elford?


  (c) I catch the 07:29 from Abington, I spend some time in Farmouth and then I catch the train back the same day. I arrive back at 21:15.

  How many hours and minutes do I spend in Farmouth?


  19. Using only the numbers in the cloud, write one number for each of the properties below.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  (a) Multiple of 6:


  (b) Factor of 60:


  (c) Prime number:


  (d) Square number:


  20. The height of a plant doubles each week. The plant is 7 cm when bought.

  What is the height of the plant after 5 weeks?


  21. The numbers shown are the totals of the line of four numbers in the row or column.

  The circle, square, triangle and star each represent a number.

  Write in the missing totals.

2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试

  以上是关于2024伦敦城市中学City of London School 10+数学入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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