2024年德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试 干货请收藏!


  德威公学一直被誉为是“牛剑的预备班”,的确,该校师资优良,其学生在公开考试中表现出众,一直保持着英国私校成绩名次前100名,每年有大约10%的学生考入牛津、剑桥等名校,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,笔试是入学的一大门槛,下面,小编就为大家带来了2024年德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试,希望对大家有所帮助:

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试










2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试

  1. This is a comprehension question. Answer briefly in your own words.

  a. Why do you think the barrels are being rolled on deck ‘carefully’? (Paragraph 1)



  b. Captain Smollet’s manner is described as ‘sharp and short and dry’. (Paragraph 5)

  This means he is… (Circle the correct answer)

  i) not very talkative

  ii) not very imaginative

  iii) not very tall

  c. Give one reason why Mr Trelawney has taken pity on Long John Silver. (Paragraph 5)



  d. Who has chosen the men for the voyage? (Paragraph 7)



  e. What do you think the ‘sealed orders’ for the voyage are….? (Paragraph 9).

  (Please circle the correct answer)

  i) Instructions about the direction the ship should travel

  ii) Instructions about how the ship works

  iii) Instructions to find secret buried treasure

  2. This question tests your ability to analyse language. The following three quotations are from the first paragraph. Explain how the writer conveys a sense of activity and excitement in each of them. Your ability to discuss the meanings of individual words and to identify literary techniques (such as metaphors or similes) will be rewarded.

  a) ‘Ship-mates raced up and down the rigging like rats.’






  b) ‘…heavy, plaited ropes looped and lashed and bundled belongings together.’





  c) ‘…the darkened figures of the men hustling to their places in the glimmer of the ship’s lanterns.’





  3. This question tests your ability to find quotations.

  Reread paragraph 12. This paragraph explains how well Long John Silver has adapted to the loss of one leg in this paragraph. Find a quotation that supports each of the statements below. Find ONE quotation per answer from paragraph 12 only. Do not use the same quotation twice. You may use your own words to help explain the quotation if you need to.

  a. Long John Silver is very skilful in the way he uses his crutch.




  b. Another way he has adapted to the loss of one leg is in the way he has used the things around him.




  c. Long John Silver is also very strong and determined.[QUOTATION]



  4. This question tests your ability to explain the meanings of quotations.

  Reread paragraphs 13 and 14. What good qualities does Long John Silver possess that would make him a strong leader? Explain the meanings of the following quotations and why they show this. (4 marks for each explanation).


  ‘He had good schooling in his young days and can speak like a book when so minded.’





  ‘…a lion's nothing alongside of Long John! I seen him grapple four … and him unarmed.’





  (Question 4, cont.)


  ‘All the crew respected and even obeyed him. He had a way of … doing everybody some particular service.’




  5. This is a creative writing question.

  Now imagine that you are young Jim Hawkins aboard ship when a storm blows up. Write in as much descriptive detail as you can about your experiences on deck during the storm. You can make reference to information from the passage, but you will be rewarded for your ability to make up new imaginative but appropriate details.

  20 marks will be given for your ability to use sensory language as well as similes, metaphor and personification. An expressive vocabulary, varied sentence types and clear paragraphing will also be rewarded.

  10 marks are for accuracy, so please make sure that your spelling, punctuation and grammar are as good as you can make them.

  Follow the story on from these words:

  (30 marks: 20 for content; 10 for accuracy)

  At first, there were no more than a few droplets on deck…………………………………………………………………..





  6. This question is a test of how closely you have read the passage.

  Now imagine that you are Captain Smollet. Write an entry in your captain’s log that records both your admiration but also growing suspicion of Long John Silver. Your ability to incorporate details from the text in your own words will be rewarded, as will an imaginative style that is appropriate to Smollet’s character. (18 marks are available for this answer.)

  In your entries you could write about:

  • What good qualities Long John Silver possesses, his background and behaviour

  • How those same qualities might be dangerous

  • What Long John Silver might be plotting

  July 7th, 1775

  Fair weather and a steady course south-south-west to Cuba. I can’t help but admire this Silver fellow but something about him worries me…………………………………………………………………………………………………..







  以上是关于2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语C卷入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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