2024年德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试笔试题库 赶紧来收藏吧!


  在英国有这么一所顶尖的私立男校,它是九大公学之一的学府,距今已有400年的历史,它融合了传统的英伦私校特色与最新的教学理念,受到了世界各地学生们的青睐,这所私校就是德威公学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了2024年德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试笔试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试










2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试

2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试

  1. This is a comprehension question. Only short answers are required.

  (a) Why does the cottage door shake? (1 mark)



  (b) During what season is the passage set? (1 mark)


  (c) Why does a ‘shadow’ pass over Ellen’s face when she looks at the cot? (1 mark)


  (d) ‘I hope she remembers what to do’ (line 20). Why do you think this is in italics? (1 mark)



  (e) Why do you think Ellen tidies herself up? Is it to:

  i) prepare for all the guests who have come to visit

  ii) not allow her appearance to be an excuse to accuse her

  iii) make herself more attractive to the handsome man (1 mark)


  2. This question tests your ability to discuss language. The following three quotations are from the first paragraph. Explain how the writer conveys a sense of activity and excitement in each of them. Your ability to discuss the meanings of individual words and to identify literary techniques (such as metaphors or similes) will be rewarded.

  (a) ‘His ridged cheekbones, arched eyebrows and pointed beard gave him a determinedly

  devilish aspect that Ellen found rather appealing.’ (3 marks)




  (b) ‘…his eyes – the kind of eyes that seemed to be all pupil, cold, black forest pools.’(3 marks)



  (c) ‘His voice sounded like a hammer striking an anvil.’ (3 marks)





  (d) Look back at lines 1 – 30. What is your OVERALL impression of the ‘handsome man’?

  Using adjectives (describing words) and ANY quotation NOT used in the examination so far, write your answer below. (3 marks; 12 marks total for this question)



  3. This question tests your understanding of character. Think about the character of the handsome man AFTER line 24. In your own words, explain what the following two quotations say about his character:

  a) ‘His smugness showed so plainly on his face, Ellen thought for a moment he might take a bow.’

  EXPLANATION: (3 marks)




  b) ‘His eyes roamed greedily over her, as though searching for something.’

  EXPLANATION: (3 marks)





  4. This question tests your ability to explain the meanings of words as they appear in the passage.

  Work out the meaning of the following words based on their meaning in the passage:

  a) absurd (line 22)



  b) covenant (line 25)



  c) afflicted (line 26)


  d) diverse (line 26)



  e) subdued (line 28)



  5. This question tests your ability to find a quotation and explain its meaning.

  (a) In lines 20-21, there is a ‘companion’ with the handsome man. Using quotation to support your view, what do you think his job is? (3 marks).

  QUOTATION (1 mark)


  EXPLANATION (2 marks)






  (b) For one further mark, how has the writer created a sense of unease with this description of the companion in lines 20-21? (1 mark; 4 marks total)





  6. This question tests your ability to explain the meanings of quotations.

  In your own words, and based on the context of the passage, explain why the writer has written the following:

  a) ‘There was a titter from one of the children in the crowd.’ (2 marks)



  b) ‘So, if you find what you are looking for, I am damned. And if you don’t find it, I am damned for concealing it? How clever! And I thought I was meant to be the tricksy one.’(3 marks)





  c) ‘Remember. She has to remember. Get away! Get away… even if they get me.’ (3 marks)





  7. This question tests your creative writing ability.

  Now imagine the little girl, hiding in a secret passage beneath the floorboards, when the handsome man arrives. Writing in the third person (‘she’… etc.), and in the past tense, write about:

  • Her thoughts and feelings

  • Her surroundings

  • What she can see and hear, and sense above her

  20 marks will be given for your ability to use sensory language as well as similes, metaphor and personification. An expressive vocabulary, varied sentence types and clear paragraphing will also be rewarded.

  10 marks are for accuracy, so make sure that your spelling, punctuation and grammar are as accurate as possible. (30 marks total for this question)

  Begin after the following sentence:

  ‘Hidden beneath the floorboards, the little girl could just make out the….’







  以上是关于2024德威公学Dulwich College 11+英语A卷入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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