干货请分享 佩斯学校The Perse School Year9英语入学考试笔试题!


  作为剑桥地区现存最古老的学校,佩斯学校以其优异的学术成绩而闻名世界,在2020年中,总共有21名学生升入剑桥,17人进入到牛津,13名被UCL录取,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了佩斯学校The Perse School Year9英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

佩斯学校The Perse School Year9英语入学考试笔试题

  Year 9 (13+)英语




  1. 这篇论文有一个部分。

  2. 记住要计划好你的答案,但也要留出足够的时间来写答案。


  4. 共有40个分数可供选择。

  Read the extract below, and then complete one of the two tasks. There are 40 marks available for this task.

  20 marks are for the content of your writing, which should demonstrate your understanding of the passage.

  20 marks are for the written accuracy and techniques in your writing, including your spelling, punctuation and grammar.

佩斯学校The Perse School Year9英语入学考试笔试题

  Tasks – complete one of the two tasks below.


  1) Continue the story from this point, with a focus on the beauty and perfection of the desert island. You don’t need to write the entire story, just the next section.

  Things you could include might be:

  Describe more of the island setting

  Explore Ralph’s feelings on the island

  Describe what Ralph does next


  2) Despite the apparent perfection of the desert island, the passage suggests the potential for danger and negativity lurking beneath it. Write a description of the island that develops these threatening aspects.

  Things you could include might be:

  Describe more of the island setting

  Explore Ralph’s feelings on the island

  Describe what Ralph does next

  Notes for applicants (these notes will not be included on the paper)

  The purpose of this assessment is to examine two elements of your English ability – your understanding of a text (the passage given), and your writing ability.

   For the Year 9 test, the extract will be between 250-275 words.

  The style of questions will be the same for both the Year 7 and the Year 9 and the papers will be 45 mins.

  Below is some guidance on what we will be looking for in responses, but we will reward all appropriate material, and there is no fixed way of approaching the question. You should feel free to be creative and express yourself.

  The answer booklet they will be given will have 4 pages to write on, but there is no expectation as to length, and we certainly do not expect you to write this much.

  You may plan your answers, but there will be no marks given for your plan.

  20 marks are for the content of your writing, which should demonstrate your understanding of the passage.

  Here we will be looking for the following:

  Have you understood the passage and developed your answer from it appropriately?

  Have you maintained the style and tone of the passage?

  Have you developed a variety of different aspects of the passage, for example the character, the setting and the actions?

  The content of your answer will show your understanding of the passage by continuing to follow the style, tone and genre of the passage, or adapting it appropriately. You should utilise a variety of areas of the passage, including character, setting and plot.

  In this passage, for example, it could be appropriate to describe the character coming across some animals, hidden communities or natural features – it could even become supernatural or fantastical.

  However, it would not show your understanding of the passage if you wrote about a sudden alien invasion and the character was taken off to a new planet, or if the football world cup happened to be taking place behind a wall of trees.

  20 marks are for the written accuracy and techniques in your writing, including your spelling, punctuation and grammar.

  Here we will be looking for the following:

  Have you used a variety of punctuation and vocabulary accurately?

  Have you used paragraphs and structured your writing clearly?

  Have you used a variety of images and description to engage the reader?

  We want to see a variety of punctuation used correctly, and also some interesting and appropriate vocabulary alongside accurate sentence and paragraph structures.

  We will be looking for whether spelling is accurate, including frequently used words and more complex vocabulary.

  You can be creative, and explore ways of incorporating speech or internal thought into your writing.

  You can use a variety of literary techniques in your writing to engage the reader, but these should fit the passage – the use of literary techniques shouldn’t be used for the sake of it. For example, in this passage, a simile that said, “animals ran past as fast as Formula One racing cars” wouldn’t fit the tone and setting of the passage –Formula One cars would seem out of place!

  以上是关于佩斯学校The Perse School Year9英语入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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