超牛干货分享 国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题!


  作为英国顶尖的私立学校,国王高中不仅拥有着超完善的教学设施,而且学术成绩也十分优异,每年有大约10名左右的学生被牛津、剑桥大学录取,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题











  Question 1

  Work out


  Question 2

  Work out


  Question 3

  Work out


  Question 4

  Work out


  Question 5

  Work out


  Question 6

  Work out


  Question 7

  Work out


  Question 8

  What is the value of the 8 in the number 768354

  Question 9

  Work out


  Question 10

  Work out


  Question 11

  What is the order of rotational symmetry of the following shape?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 12

  Here are two shapes.

  Draw on their lines of symmetry (mirror lines)

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 13

  Study this picture and then fill in the missing words in the sentence underneath.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 14

  A room is 7 metres long, 4 metres wide and 3 metres high.

  Work out the area of the floor in square metres.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Work out the cost of carpeting the floor if the carpet costs £12 per m2

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Work out the area of one long wall

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Work out the area of one short wall

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Work out the total area of the 4 walls and the ceiling

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 15

  Study the graph below and then answer the questions

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  What are the coordinates of the point D?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Which is the point with coordinates (3, 2)?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down the coordinates of a point which is the same distance from D as it is from C

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  If you draw a line going from A passing through B and then kept going, what would be the coordinates of where the line hits the y axis?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 16

  From the numbers in the cloud,

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down those numbers that 2 will divide into exactly.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down those numbers that 10 will divide into exactly.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down any prime numbers

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down any square numbers

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Write down the number which is double one of the other numbers.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 17

  Complete the table for 272

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 18

  A first class stamp costs 26p.

  What is the greatest number of first class stamps you can buy for £2?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Jean buys 10 first class stamps. She pays with a £5 note. How much change should she get?

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 19

  This dial shows how much petrol is in the petrol tank of a car.

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  The full petrol tank holds 40 litres.

  Estimate how many litres are left in the petrol tank.

  Question 20

  Mary has a bag of 20 sweets.

  10 of the sweets are red.

  3 of the sweets are black.

  The rest of the sweets are white.

  Mary chooses one sweet at random.

  What is the probability that Mary will choose a

  Red sweet

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  White sweet

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 21

  Here are some patterns made out of matches

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Draw a diagram for pattern number 4

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Complete the table to show the number of matchsticks needed for pattern numbers 2,3,4 and 5

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Which pattern number needs exactly 41 matches?

  Question 22

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Work out the perimeter of the shape above

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  Question 23

  Sophie and Janet weigh a total of 159 kg. Sophie weighs 11 kg more than Janet.

  How much does each girl weigh?

  Question 24

  Some of the figures in the following problems are missing.

  Fill in the missing figures

国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题

  以上是关于国王高中King's High School 入学考试数学笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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