赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题 超干货分享!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,赖默中学不仅拥有良好的学习环境,而且还拥有着超高的学术成绩,每年有大约10名左右的学生被牛津、剑桥大学录取,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题










  Section A




  Section B



  Section A

  1. What number is twenty-three less than seventy thousand?

  A: 67700 B: 69987 C: 69977 D: 50003 E: 47000

  2. Multiply 304 by 12.

  A: 3648 B: 3048 C: 3016 D: 3042 E: 3608

  3. I think of a number. When I subtract it from 24, the answer is the same as when I double it. What’s my number?

  A: 12 B: 10 C: 8 D: 6 E: 9

  4. What remainder do you get when you divide 283 by 9?

  A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 7 E: 8

  5. What is 842 – 658?

  A: 184 B: 194 C: 294 D: 284 E: 394

  6. Bob makes a sequence using the following rule: ‘double and subtract 3’. If the first number in his sequence is 5, what will the fifth number in his sequence be?

  A: 157 B: 77 C: 19 D: 35 E: 67

  7. What digit should replace the * below?

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  8. Two-thirds of a number is 66. What’s the number?

  A: 100 B: 99 C: 44 D: 33 E: 132

  9. Femi takes 2 hours and 53 minutes to cycle from London to Reading. If he arrived at 3:21pm, at what time must he have set off?

  A: 12:24pm B: 1:24pm C: 12:28pm D: 12:18pm E: 1:28pm

  10. Two-thirds of a number is 3 more than three-fifths of the number. What’s the number?

  A: 20 B: 90 C: 54 D: 60 E: 45

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  12. What is the area of the shaded shape below? [Diagram not to scale]

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  13. I buy 7 bags of Cheezos at 55 pence each and 4 bags of Nuttees at 63 pence each. How much change do I get from £10?

  A: £3.73 B: £3.63 C: £4.73 D: £4.63 E: £6.37

  14. Three different, positive odd numbers add together to make 23. What is the smallest possible value of the largest of the three numbers?

  A: 7 B: 9 C: 11 D: 13 E: 19

  15. A train travels 80km in 24 minutes. How long will it take to travel 150km?

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  16. Which of these could be the correct measurement for the length of a bus?

  A: 140 m B: 1400 cm C: 140 mm D: 140 000 mm E: 0.0014 km

  17. I’m thinking of a number. When I triple it and subtract the result from 70, I get half my original number. What’s my number?

  A: 24 B: 30 C: 18 D: 20 E: 25

  18. What is the area of the shaded triangle below? [Diagram not to scale]

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  19. How many different ways are there of paying exactly £1 using 5p and/or 10p pieces?

  A: 15 B: 10 C: 21 D: 11 E: 100

  20. I’m thinking of two numbers. When I double the first and add it to the second I get 160. One of the numbers is half of the other. Which of these could be one of my numbers?

  A: 30 B: 45 C: 60 D: 64 E: 96

  Section B

  21. a) Work out 287 + 365


  b) Subtract -23 from -81


  c) Divide 1898 by 26


  22. a) Mr Humberstone’s maths class has 26 pupils. There are 8 more girls than there are boys. How many girls are there?


  b) In Miss Homes’ maths class, the number of girls is three-quarters the number of boys, and there are 28 children altogether. How many girls are there?


  c) In Miss Thompson’s class, there are 5 girls for every 4 boys, and one-fifth of the girls wear glasses. There are three girls and two boys in the class who wear glasses. What fraction of all the pupils in the class wear glasses?


  23. a) Mr Sahota is cycling around a track at a constant speed. He completes 5 laps every 4 minutes. How long will it take him to complete 8 laps? Give your answer in minutes and seconds.


  b) Mr Aldham is also cycling around the track at a constant speed. He completes 5 laps every 6 minutes. How long is it between the first time that Mr Sahota overtakes Mr Aldham and the second time that Mr Sahota overtakes Mr Aldham?


  24. For each part of this question you should try to find all the different possible answers. You don’t need to worry about different orderings of the piles – 3 beads, 2 beads, 1 bead is the same as 3 beads, 1 bead, 2 beads.

  a) I have six identical beads which I want to put into three piles. Each pile must have at least one bead in it. How many beads could be in each pile? One possible answer is given to you.

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  b) List all the ways of placing eight beads into four piles, with at least one bead in each pile. One possible answer is given to you.

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  25. a) Sarah thinks of a number. When she triples the number and then adds 15, she gets the answer 39. What was her number?


  b) Kirsty thinks of a number. When she adds 15 to the number and then triples the answer, she gets 39. What was her number?


  c) Zack thinks of a number. When he triples the number and subtracts the answer from 71, he gets one more than double his original number. What was his number?


  26. Sid the spider goes for a walk around the whole perimeter of the shape below, starting at the point marked A. How far does he have to walk?

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  (Diagram not to scale)


  27. Jonny makes patterns from black and white tiles. His patterns always start with a black tile at the top. Here are some of his patterns:

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  a) How many tiles of each colour will there be in Pattern 3?

  Black tiles: ………………………….……… White tiles: …………………………

  b) How many black tiles will there be in Pattern 12?


  Robin notices that he can take two copies of Pattern 4 and make them into a 4x5 rectangle:

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题

  c) Can you use Robin’s idea to work out the total number of tiles in Pattern 20?


  28. Tess is playing a game with whole numbers. She takes each of the digits of the number, squares them and then finds the total. So if she starts with the number 47, she gets the result 65, because:

  42 + 72 = 16 + 49 = 65

  a) What result does Tess get when she starts with the number 732?


  b) Find four different whole numbers, each under 1000 which all give Tess a result of 25.


  c) Explain why it’s not possible to find a two-digit number which gives Tess a result of 14.

  29. In Rainbow Land there are lots of wuzzles. Wuzzles are all green, pink or blue and have either big ears or small ears. They like to live together in houses.

  a) In one wuzzle household, all the following statements are true:

  There are more green wuzzles than any other colour

  There are equal numbers of big-eared greens and small-eared greens

  There are three wuzzles with big ears

  There are twice as many big-eared greens as big-eared pinks

  There are three times as many pink wuzzles as blue wuzzles

  How many of each kind of wuzzle (big-eared green, small-eared green, big-eared pink, …) are there in this household?

  b) In another wuzzle household, all of these statements are true:

  There are the same number of pink wuzzles as green wuzzles

  There are twice as many big-eared green wuzzles as small-eared green wuzzles

  There are the same number of big-eared green wuzzles as big-eared blue wuzzles

  All but one of the wuzzles have big ears.

  How many of each kind of wuzzle are there in this household?

  以上是关于赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+数学入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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