干货分享 赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,赖默中学已跻身成为英国最受欢迎的学校之一,该校自1624年成立以来,培养了很多杰出的人才,比如已故演员Alan Rickman、演员休·格兰特(Hugh Gran)、伊莫珍·盖伊·波茨 Imogen Poots……因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题


  阅读下面的短文,然后回答A, B和C部分中所有的选择题。

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题

  PART 1: Multiple Choice





  然后,回答关于文章的25道选择题。你必须为每个问题选择一个答案A, B, C, D或E,并将该字母写在答题卡上的方框内。



  Each question is worth 1 mark


  1) In line 2 the phrase 'most private and local of constructions' means that:

  a) Dens were constructed on building sites

  b) Dens were built as temporary structures for children to play in

  c) Dens were secret places characteristic of an area

  d) Dens were supervised by local councils

  e) Dens were looked after by security companies

  2) In lines 5 – 7, the writer tells us that:

  a) The den has been built in woods

  b) The den has been built in a disregarded and unattractive place

  c) The den has been built on a golf course / sports centre

  d) The den has been built in meadows

  e) The den has been built on private land

  3) Lines 5 – 9 tell us that:

  a) The den is clearly visible from the golf course

  b) The den is quite well hidden

  c) The den is messy

  d) The den has been expertly constructed

  e) The den is overgrown with grass

  4) In lines 9 – 12 the writer describes the interior of the den as:

  a) Furnished with discarded items

  b) Like the inside of a car

  c) Full of children's possessions

  d) A place where a criminal could hide

  e) Carpeted with animal skins

  5) Lines 13 – 15 tell us that:

  a) The children cook kippers in the den

  b) The den has a well-constructed ceiling

  c) The dens often burn down

  d) The occupants of the den often smell of fish

  e) The chimney is not totally efficient

  6) In line 20, the writer refers to a ‘Golden Age’. Does he mean:

  a) Dens built at the time were made of gold

  b) Dens built at the time were particularly well made

  c) It was a time when den building was at its height

  d) Dens built at the time were like Classical temples

  e) The time was a very expensive one for building dens

  7) The sentence 'It was paradise' in line 23 suggests that:

  a) The children loved their new homes

  b) The children were happy that the war was over

  c) The children enjoyed their summer holidays

  d) The children enjoyed being in gangs

  e) The children had plenty of empty space to play in

  8) The 'edgelands' referred to in line 24 are:

  a) The dens that the children have built

  b) The back gardens of their houses

  c) The woods near the golf course

  d) Bomb-sites left after the war

  e) Unoccupied areas created by property development

  9) In line 25 the word 'abandonment' suggests that:

  a) The children are neglected by their parents

  b) The children are homeless

  c) The children have plenty of space to play freely

  d) The children are safe from danger

  e) The children do not go to school

  10) In lines 28 – 30 we are told that a good tree house:

  a) Must have plenty of space

  b) Must be impossible for adults to find or get into

  c) Must be in an oak tree

  d) Must look like a bird's nest

  e) Must have a rope ladder

  11) In line 31, ‘makeshift’ means:

  a) Temporary

  b) Unstable

  c) Improvised

  d) Hand-made

  e) Mobile

  12) Lines 34 – 36 tell you that the best tree houses are:

  a) Built in the back garden by your father

  b) Built in the woods with your father's help

  c) Built in your friend's garden with tools his father has lent him

  d) Built on a disregarded piece of land with tools obtained without permission

  e) Built out in the woods with tools borrowed from your father

  13) The phrase 'the incumbent has the key advantage' in line 41 means that:

  a) The person who built the den has the key to the padlock

  b) The best thing about a tree house is the view

  c) If you lie down you are well hidden

  d) The person already there is in a superior position

  e) The person who owns the land is in charge

  14) Considering the passage as a whole, the writer:

  a) Thinks that building dens was very dangerous for children

  b) Is glad that all the empty spaces and building sites have now gone

  c) Is nostalgic for a past time of greater freedom for children

  d) Thinks that summer holidays are too long

  e) Thinks that den-building encouraged bullying between gangs

  15) Considering the passage as a whole, the writer thinks that:

  a) Adults should take more care of their children

  b) Children need more unsupervised freedom

  c) More fathers should build dens for their children

  d) Every child should have a treehouse

  e) Every child should spend more time at home


  Answer these questions about the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in this extract.

  16) What is the closest definition to the word 'unkempt' in line 6?

  a) Forgotten

  b) Messy

  c) Unmeasured

  d) Dangerous

  e) Empty

  17) What is the closest definition to the word 'pliant' in line 7?

  a) Thin

  b) Thick

  c) Easily broken

  d) Easily bent

  e) Light

  18) What is the closest definition to the word 'allegiances' in line 18?

  a) Loyalties

  b) Hostilities

  c) Rules

  d) Understanding

  e) Connections

  19) What is the closest definition to the word 'detritus' in line 22?

  a) Rubbish

  b) Bricks

  c) Tiles

  d) Empty cans

  e) Paper

  20) What is the closest definition to the word 'matchwood' in line 39?

  a) Wood that is in thin shreds

  b) Wood made into matches

  c) Wood which is similar to other pieces of wood

  d) Wood used for stakes to mark out a football pitch

  e) Kindling


  Answer the following questions about these words and phrases.

  21) What type of word are:

  Scene (line 4) Ditch (line 5) Lair (line 3) Detritus (line 22)?

  a) Verbs

  b) Adverbs

  c) Nouns

  d) Adjectives

  e) Pronouns

  22) Which of the lines from the extract includes a metaphor?

  a) 'which have more in common with badger setts or fox lairs than any human habitation’ (lines 2-3)

  b) 'inside a large ditch overhung with whitethorn' (line 5)

  c) ‘the fires that will kipper the clothes and hair of its occupants with wood smoke' (lines 14–15)

  d) 'A tree house is the ultimate den' (line 28)

  e) ‘with “borrowed” tools in an overgrown oak’ (line 35)

  23) Which of these words as they are used in the extract is a verb?

  a) Occupants

  b) Enter

  c) Space

  d) Large

  e) Most

  24) Which of these words from the extract is an adverb?

  a) Acres

  b) Partially

  c) Paradise

  d) Provided

  e) Waterproof

  25) 'A tree house is the ultimate den.' Is:

  a) A complex sentence

  b) A phrase

  c) A clause

  d) A past participle

  e) A simple sentence

  Part 2: Expressive Writing





  你应该写1.5 - 2面。



  Imagine it is very early in the morning and you are all alone in your school just before anyone else has arrived. Describe your observations and what you feel.


  You stand on a bridge, overlooking a river, for half an hour. Describe what you observe over that time.





  以上是关于赖默中学Latymer Upper School 11+英语入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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