超干货指南 特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,特鲁罗中学创建于1880年,距今已有138年的历史,该校的A-level地理科目连续多年全英第一,一直被称为全英体育最强私立中学之一,该校不仅体育项目全英最牛,并且该校的学术成绩十分优异,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要进行笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题


  时间允许- 10分钟阅读加上30分钟写作


  This passage is taken from a novel called ‘The Dark is Rising’ by Susan Cooper. It is midwinter, and a boy named Will and his brother James have been sent out with a cart to collect hay for their rabbits from a nearby farm.

  Rooks are large and very intelligent birds; part of the crow family

  One of the farm dogs came bounding up, tail waving; then it stopped abruptly a few yards away, looking at them.

  ‘Hey, Racer!’ Will called.

  The dog’s tail went down, and it snarled, showing its teeth.

  The noise from the rookery was louder, even though the daylight was beginning to 5 die. They could see the dark birds thronging over the treetops, more agitated than before, flapping and turning to and fro. And Will had been right; there was a stranger in the lane, standing beside the churchyard.

  He was a shambling, tattered figure, more like a bundle of old clothes than a man, and at the sight of him the boys slowed their pace and drew instinctively closer to 10 one another. He turned his shaggy head to look at them.

  Then suddenly, in a dreadful blur of unreality, a hoarse, shrieking flurry was rushing down out of the sky, and two huge rooks swooped at the man. He staggered back, shouting, his hands thrust up to protect his face, and the birds flapped their wings in a black vicious whirl and were gone, swooping up past the boys and into the sky. 15

  Will and James stood frozen, staring, pressed against the bales of hay.

  The stranger cowered back against the gate.

  ‘Kaaaaaaak … kaaaaaak …’ came the head-splitting racket from the frenzied flock over the wood, and then three more whirling black shapes were swooping after the first two, diving wildly at the man and then away. This time he screamed in terror and stumbled 20 out into the road, his arms still wrapped in defence round his head, his face down; and he ran. The boys heard the frightened gasps for breath as he dashed headlong past them, and up the road past the gates of Dawson’s Farm and on towards the village. They saw bushy, greasy grey hair below a dirty old cap; a torn brown overcoat tied with string, and some other garment flapping beneath it; old boots, one with a loose sole that made 25 him kick his leg oddly sideways, half-hopping, as he ran. But they could not see his face.

  The high whirling above their heads was dwindling into loops of slow flight, and the rooks began to settle one by one into the trees. They were still talking loudly to one another in a long cawing jumble, but the madness and the violence were not in it now. Dazed, moving his head for the first time, Will felt his cheek brush against something, 30 and putting his hand to his shoulder, he found a long black feather there. He pushed it into his jacket pocket, moving slowly, like someone half awake.

  Together, they pushed the loaded cart down the road to the house, and the cawing behind them died to an ominous murmur, like the swollen Thames* in spring.

  (*The Thames is a river flowing through southern England to London)


  1. Write out the simile used to describe the strange man in line 9:




  2. Look at the description of the man from lines 23 and 26. In your own words, explain why his appearance is so unusual.


  3. Why do you think the dog’s tail went down, and it snarled, showing its teeth and the boys drew instinctively closer to one another when they saw the man?






  4. Pick and write out two quotations that make the rooks seem frightening:

  a. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  b. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Write out the example of personification used in lines 28-29:


  a. What is the effect of this description on the reader?



  6. There are many powerful and exciting verbs used in this passage: choose THREE and explain your choices:

特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

  7. Write out and explain the simile used at the end of the passage:




  8. What makes the ending exciting and thought-provoking?


  Section 2 (25 marks)

  In this section you can write either a description, or a story which you make up using your imagination.

  Spend a few minutes thinking and planning before you begin writing, and leave time to check through what you write.

  Remember to take care with handwriting, spelling, punctuation and paragraphs, and to be adventurous and ambitious with your vocabulary and style.

特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

  Write your name on top of the sheet of paper and write the number of the question you have chosen in the margin. Begin writing when you are told to.

  以上是关于特鲁罗中学Truro School Year7英语入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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