超干货分享 奥多中学Oundle School Year7数学入学考试笔试题!


  作为英国最大的中学之一,奥多中学以其浓厚的教学氛围和优良的教育质量而享誉海内外,该校不仅拥有一流的图书馆和音像教室及阅览室,而且学术成绩也十分优异,让学生成为自信、有知识且对社会有所贡献的人,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了奥多中学Oundle School Year7数学入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

奥多中学Oundle School Year7数学入学考试笔试题







  Question 1

  (a) Jeremy bought two books with his Christmas money.

  One cost £11.97 and the other cost £29.87.

  How much did he spend in total on these two books?

  Answer …………………………

  (b) At the end of 2018 Sally had £2 387.56 in her bank account.

  At the end of 2019 she had £1 678.81.

  Calculate the difference between these amounts.

  Answer …………………………

  (c) A model of laptop computer has 87 keys on the keyboard.

  The manufacturer wants to produce 340 of these computers.

  How many keys will the computers have in total?

  Answer …………………………

  (d) A finance company sells car insurance policies to individuals for £330.

  A car rental company negotiates a discount for buying lots of policies.

  They purchase 17 000 policies for £4 590 000.

  How much did they pay per policy?

  Answer …………………………

  Question 2 Work out the following, obeying the correct order of operations.

  (a) -3 + (-3)

  Answer …………………………….

  (b) 1 × 0

  Answer …………………………….

  (c) 15 – 14 × 0

  Answer …………………………….

  (d) 7 + 5 ÷ 2

  Answer …………………………….

  (e) -1 × 7 − 5 × 2

  Answer …………………………….

  (f) 6 − 6 − 6 ÷ 6

  Answer …………………………….

  Question 3

  Insert brackets to make the following statements correct:

  (a) 9 × 8 ÷ 1 + 5 = 12

  (b) 3 × 7 – 6 × 4 – 3 = 15

  Question 4

  A pile of food can feed 12 horses for 12 days.

  For how many days could the same pile of food feed 48 horses?

  Answer …………………………

  Question 5

  On Black Friday a book cost £7.20.

  Now it costs £8.10

  What percentage increase does this represent?

  Answer …………………………

  Question 6

  x and y are two different, positive whole numbers which make the following statement true

  3x + 5y = 75

  Find two possible pairs of numbers which make the statement above true.

  First pair x = ………… y = ……………

  Second pair x = ………… y = ……………

  Question 7

  In 1st form the ratio of girls to boys is 7:9

  There are 16 more boys than girls in 1st form.

  How many boys are there in 1st form?

  Answer …………………………...

  Question 8

  Given that 17 × 12 = 3 468, write down the missing number in each part.

  (a) 17 × ? = 3 46.8

  Answer ..........................

  (b) 1.7 × ? = 346 800

  Answer ..........................

  (c) 34.68 ÷ ? = 1 700

  Answer ...........................

  Question 9

  In this question you may use the grid below to help you answer the questions.

  A straight line passes through the points (4, 3) and (8, 15).

  (a) (i) The point (3, a) also lies on the line. Work out the value of a.

  Answer …………….

  (ii) The point (b, 18) also lies on the line. Work out the value of b.

  Answer …………….

  (b) A triangle is formed by the points (2, 0), (4, 6) and (9, 0).

  Calculate the area of this triangle.

  Answer …………….

奥多中学Oundle School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  uestion 10

  You have the numbers −5, 5, 3 and –8 available.

  Any of these numbers can be used in each part of the question.

  (a) What is the greatest number that can be obtained by adding two of the above numbers?

  Answer: …………………

  (b) What is the least number that can be obtained by adding two of the above numbers?

  Answer: …………………

  (c) What is the greatest number that can be obtained by subtracting two of the above numbers?

  Answer: …………………

  (d) What is the least number that can be obtained by multiplying two of the above numbers?

  Answer: …………………

  Question 11

  This question is about fractions.

  (a) Which fraction is bigger, five sixths or six sevenths?

  Answer …………….

  (b) Write down a fraction which is greater than three eighths, but less than four eighths.

  Answer …………….

  (c) Write down a fraction which is less than one sixth, but greater than one seventh.

  Answer …………….

  (d) Calculate a third of one sixth.

  Answer …………….

  (e) What is the result if one is subtracted from three sevenths?

  Answer …………….

  以上是关于奥多中学Oundle School Year7数学入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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