惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题 干货请收藏!


  在英国有这么一所顶尖的私立男校,在这所学校诞生了众多体育巨星,切尔西足球运动员维克多.摩西、英格兰橄榄球国脚埃利.奥特等等都毕业于这所学校,这所学校就是惠特吉夫特学校,它旨在为男生提供全方位且高质量的教育,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题




  1. Work out the following:

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  2. The ancient Egyptians used a system of units in which 96 digits make one cubit. The perimeter of the base of the Little Pyramid at Giza is 572 cubits. Use long multiplication to express this distance in digits.

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  Answer: ……………………………

  3. Solve the following equations to find the value of x

  (a) 5x – 1 = 19


  (b) 7 – 4x = x + 8


  (c) 3x = 42


惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  If there are, in fact, 108 beads in the bag, how many of them are turquoise?


  5. Complete the following table showing equivalent decimals, fractions and percentages. Write all fractions in their lowest terms.

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  6. Find the size of each of the angles a, b and c shown below, giving a reason for each.

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  8. Here is a drawing of a stegosaurus. If the diagram is drawn to a scale of 1:120, what is the approximate length of this dinosaur? Give your answer in appropriate units.

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  10. Simplify:

  (a) ab – ba ……………………………..

  (b) 4(5n +6 –n) ……………………………..

  (c) p – 8p + 17p ……………………………..

  (d) 5(3d + 7) + 4(2d – 7) ……………………………...

  11. Write each of the following numbers correct to two decimal places:

  (a) 65.4632 = …………………… (b) 0.055 = …………………………. (c) 9.8971 = ………………………

  12. A group of boys buy 250 grams of chocolate chewies. The chewies cost c pence for 10 grams. Write down the total cost in terms of c .


  If there are k boys in the group and they share the cost equally, how much does each boy pay?


  13. 240 passengers are checking in at Gatwick Airport for a flight to Kuala Lumpur. 90% of them are British nationals. How many passengers is this?

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题


  The ratio of men to women on the flight is 5:3. How many women are there?


  14. This is a drawing of the end wall of a factory. The dimensions are shown in metres.

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  Find, by calculation, the area of this end wall.


  15. Find the angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at each of the following times:

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题

  (a) Four o’clock ……………………………

  (b) Half past six ……………………………

  (c) Twenty past five ……………………………

  Can you write down a time between 10:30 and 11 o’clock when the angle between the hands is exactly 25 degrees?


  16. p = n2 – n + 41

  Draw up a table showing the value of p for all whole number values of n from 1 to 10 inclusive. In how many of these cases is p prime?


  1. a) 5 b) 7 c) £84 d) 15cm

  2. 54912

  3. a) 4 b) -1/5 c) 14 d) 8

  4. 5/9, 60

  5. 1/25, 4%; 0.125, 12.5%; 1.63, 1 63/100; 0.2, 20%

  6. a=147° + reason; b=50°, c=100° + reasons

  7. a) 75 b) 125 c) -10 d) 70 e) -120 f) -6

  8. 8.4m

  9. a) 25, 29 b) 243, 729 c) 9/49, 7/64

  10. a) 0 b) 16n+24 c) 10p d) 23d+7

  11. a) 65.46 b) 0.06 c) 9.90

  12. 25c, 25c/k

  13. 216, 90

  14. 387m2

  15. a) 120° b) 15° c) 40°; 10:50

  16. 41,43,47,53,61,71,83,97,113,131 – all prime.

  以上是关于惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year9数学入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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