干货分享 惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题!


  作为英国顶尖的私立男校,惠特吉夫特学校学术成绩一如既往的好,自建校以来,共培养了很多优秀的杰出人才,比如外科医生Sir James Berry 、宇航员Hugh Ernest Butler、政治学家Michael Hart……因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题



  10+ - 40分钟

  11+ - 45分钟


  10+ - 20分钟

  11+ - 30分钟



  Answer only ONE question, either 1 or 2.

  1. Write a story in which the following are used in some way (It need not be the most obvious way!):

  - Africa

  - A key

  - A mystery

  2. Write an essay about a time when you overcame a difficulty or conquered a fear.


  1. The Punctuation Thief has been busy again and has stolen ten important pieces of punctuation from the passage below. He has taken the following:

  - 2 sets of open speech marks ̋

  - 2 sets of closing speech marks ̏

  - 2 exclamation marks !

  - 1 question mark ?

  - 2 full stops .

  - 1 apostrophe ̓

  Restore them by writing them in the correct places.

  Well, what are you all waiting for she barked. Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up.

  Harry glanced down at his broom It was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles.

  “Stick out your right hand over your broom,” called Madam Hooch at the front, “and say ‘Up’ ”

  “ Up ” everyone shouted

  Harrys broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did.

  2. On your holiday abroad you have a meal in a restaurant. The writer of the menu has had some difficulties with his English. Help him out by correcting the mistakes. Each mistake is printed in bold. Write the correct word in the brackets that follow each one.

  Welcome to the Yummi Tummi Café.

  We is (………………………) delited (……………………………………..) to offer a

  speshiality (…………………………) menu for Vegetablians (………………………………………….).

  Please asking (………………..........) your water (……………………………….) to see

  The Whine (……………………………..) list.

  This is a No-Smirking (…………………………………….) café.

  We wished (………………………….) you a plesaunt (………………………………..) meal.

  3. In the following poem, ten words have been removed and placed in the box beneath it. Write the correct word in each gap.


  In Springtime when the leaves are…………………………..,

  Clear dewdrops gleam like ………………….., hung

  On boughs the ……………………….. birds roost among.

  When …………………………………. comes with ………………………. unrest,

  Birds ……………………… of their mother’s breast,

  And look abroad and leave the nest.

  In Autumn ere the waters freeze,

  The …………………………….. fly across the ……………………… :-

  If we could fly away with these!

  In ……………………….. when the birds are gone,

  The sun himself looks …………………….. and wan,

  And starved the snow he shines upon.

  Christina Rossetti

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

  4. Read the poem below and complete the questions by underlining the best answer:

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题

  A. The time of year described in the opening line is:

  (i) mid-summer

  (ii) late autumn

  (iii) early spring

  (iv) mid-winter

  B. In line 4 the poet says “the breeze was spiced with garden fires” because:

  (i) people were holding barbeque parties.

  (ii) the takeaway next to the street lamp was open

  (iii) it was so dry that fires had spread through the neighbourhood.

  (iv) the smell of bonfires gave a strong scent.

  C. The area they went raiding in lines 9 and 10 was:

  (i) away from the town centre in the leafy suburbs.

  (ii) where lots of lottery winners lived.

  (iii) so rich that people built domes on top of their houses.

  (iv) round the back of the garages.

  D. “Plunder” (line 13) means:

  (i) climb

  (ii) eat

  (iii) steal

  (iv) tunnel

  E. In lines 14 ad 15 they “dropped down to/the secret dark”. This suggests:

  (i) the boys dropped to their stomachs and crawled along.

  (ii) the boys jumped down from the wall into a dark, private garden.

  (iii) the boys behaved like secret agents on a raid.

  (iv) the boys dropped most of their apples when climbing the wall.

  F. In line 20 the boys are “heavy with their tasty loot” because:

  (i) they’ve stuffed their clothes with as many stolen apples as possible.

  (ii) they’ve eaten so many apples that they’re stuffed full and heavy.

  (iii) they’ve got to carry the little store they have brought with them.

  (iv) they’ve become soaked with the dew which has made their clothes and shoes heavy.

  G. “Strange to think that he’s fifty years old” (line 25) suggests:

  (i) that David is a very mature boy.

  (ii) that David is a man acting like a boy.

  (iii) that the poet has now moved ahead in time.

  (iv) that the poet has now moved back in time.

  H. The last two lines of the poem tell us that:

  (i) one of the boys has moved to France.

  (ii) one of the boys is on a camping holiday in an orchard in France.

  (iii) John Peters is buried in the very same orchard they raided as boys.

  (iv) John peters died in the war and is buried in an orchard in France.

  I. The form of this poem is best described as:

  (i) seven four-line verses with alternate lines rhyming.

  (ii) a series of rhyming limericks.

  (iii) seven four-line verses with no set rhyming-scheme.

  (iv) seven four-line verses with pairs of lines rhyming.

  J. Overall the feeling of the poem is best described as:

  (i) a happy childhood memory.

  (ii) a sad childhood memory.

  (iii) a strong childhood memory with a relection on the passing of time.

  (iv) a strong reflection on the passing of time telling us to leave no memories behind.


  In the following sentences there are the names of five animals hiding camouflaged in

  amongst the letters. Write down the name of the animal in the space provided.

  e.g. He made errors on purpose deer

  A. I must give it up. I grieve to say.             ………………………………

  B. At last a girl moved.                                ………………………………

  C. Impossible! O pardon me, I am sorry.     ………………………………

  D. I got terrified out of my wits.                  ………………………………

  E. The lamb is one of my pets.                    ………………………………

  以上是关于惠特吉夫特学校Whitgift School Year7英语入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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