艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题 干货请收藏!


  艾霖中学是英国私立混校教育的先行者,早在1976年成为了男女同校,经过40多年的努力,确保每个毕业生离开时都非常出色,并且非常注重学生的个人品质的培养,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  11 +数学




  Circle the correct answer to the questions in this section.

  1. The perimeter of a square is 36 cm. What is the area of the square?

  A: 36 𝑐𝑚2       B: 81 𝑐𝑚2      C: 18 𝑐𝑚2          D: 72 𝑐𝑚2      E: 100 𝑐𝑚2

  2. Which of these numbers is the smallest?

  A: 0.5     B: 0.0501     C: 0.051     D: 0.499    E: 0.49

  3. One of the angles in an isosceles triangle is 102°, which of these is a possible size of one of the other angles in the triangle?

  A: 39°      B: 102°     C: 98°    D: 78°     E: 129°

  4. Which of these fractions is equal to 0.8?

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  5. Work out 41 − 7 + 9 × 2

  A: 84      B: 50     C: 16     D: 86     E: 52

  Section B

  Show your working when answering these questions

  6. Work out 584 − 326


  7. Work out 497 ÷ 7


  8. Work out leaving any fractions in their simplest form

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题


  9. Fill in the missing terms of the sequences given by these rules

  a) Double the previous term and then subtract 6

  4, 2, _______, _______

  b) Add four to the previous term

  _______, 5, _______, 13

  b) The square numbers

  ________, 4, _______, 16

  c) The prime numbers

  _______, 3, 5, 7, _______

  10. A bag of rice contains 360g. A special offer packet contains an extra 15%. Work out how much extra rice is in the special offer packet.

  11. Work out the size of the angle 𝑥 and angle 𝑦 in the diagram. The diagram is not drawn to scale

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  𝑥 = … … … … … ˚

  𝑦 = … … … … … ˚

  12. Work out the mean of 5, 12, 8, 10, 5, 8


艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  13. There are 54 people in Bright Wheels cycling club.

  If there are 6 more boys than girls in the club, what is the ratio of boys to girls in the club? Give your answer in its simplest form.

  boys: girls = ...……:………

  14. These pictures show parts of a scale with equal gaps between each marking. What number should replace each letter?

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  15. Look at the coordinate grid below.

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  a) Write down the coordinates of point A and point B.

  A(………, ………)

  B(………, ………)

  b) On the same coordinate grid plot the coordinate C(2, - 2).

  Label the coordinate C

  c) A fourth point D has 𝑥 coordinate -3.

  The coordinates A, B, C and D are the corners of a parallelogram.

  Plot the coordinate D.

  d) Reflect the parallelogram ABCD in the 𝑦 axis


艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  This statement in the box is only true for one number between 20 and 30. What is the number?


  The next question is only worth one mark

  17. Use the numbers on the cards below to try to make the number 438.

艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题

  You must follow these three rules:

  1. You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and brackets to make the answer

  2. You cannot make a number by grouping cards together. For example: you cannot make 75 by placing the 7 and 5 card next to each other.

  3. You must use each number exactly once.

  Use the space below for any rough working.

  If you successfully make 437 write clear working out to show the steps in the solution box below, otherwise leave the solution box empty.

  以上是关于艾霖中学Alleyn's School Year7数学入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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