海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题 内附标准答案哟!


  作为英国一所历史悠久、教学实力强大的私立混校,海格特学校的课程种类丰富,该校非常注重培养学生的独立思考的能力及创造力,并且该校的艺术氛围非常浓厚,音乐、美术与戏剧教学非常优异,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题








  Question 1

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  The following questions are about a butcher’s shop.

  a) Karim buys 7 burgers and 5 steaks.

  Burgers cost 61p each and steaks cost 84p each.

  How much did Karim spend in total?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  b) Sausages come in packs of 8. Each pack costs £1.30

  James spends £9.10 on sausages. How many sausages did James get?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  c) Tyler buys 16 chicken wings, and receives £14.72 change from a £20 note.

  What is the price of a chicken wing?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  d) The butcher also sells slices of turkey.

  Donald buys three quarters of the slices in the shop. Alisha then buys a sixth of the remaining slices.

  Alisha bought 3 slices. How many slices did Donald buy?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  e) Lamb chops are three times more expensive than pork chops.

  Tina buys a lamb chop and a pork chop. She spends £4.80 in total.

  How much do lamb chops and pork chops cost?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  Question 2

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  Mr Green’s garden is a mixture of lawn, patio and flower beds. A plan of the garden is shown below, with some (but not all) of the measurements.

  The picture is not drawn to scale.

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  a) What is the area covered by Mr Green’s lawn?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  b) Mr Green buys 6 flower pots. Flower pots cost £4.00 each.

  Mr Green has a voucher for “15% off ”.

  How much does Mr Green spend on flower pots if he uses the voucher?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  c) Mr Green wants to lay paving stones on his patio.

  The stones are rectangles measuring 50 cm x 20 cm.

  How many paving stones are needed to pave the patio?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  d) The area of the flower bed is 60m2.

  One sack of fertilizer is needed for every 4m2 of flower bed.

  Sacks cost £10 each, but are on offer:“buy four sacks and get a fifth sack free”.

  How much does it cost to fertilize the flower bed?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  Question 3

  a) Tim is going paintballing. Entry into paintballing costs £23, but then you also have to pay £6 per 100 paintballs that you use.

  Tim spent £65 in total. How many paintballs did he use?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  b) Janice is running a bath. She mixes hot water with cold water to make sure the temperature is just right.

  She uses 5 times more hot water than cold water. Janice’s bath holds 90 litres of water in total. How much hot water does she use?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  c) Bob the Builder is filling a hole with a mixture of gravel and sand.

  234kg of sand are needed to make 400kg of the mixture.

  Bob makes 1000kg of the mixture.

  How much gravel does Bob need?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  d) In the picture below, rectangle A has an area of 70cm2, and rectangle B has an area of 63cm2. The side lengths of the rectangles are whole numbers.

  The sides labelled X and Y are both longer than 1cm.

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  e) Victoria the vet is weighing her pets.

  Her rabbit and her cat together weigh 10kg.

  Her cat and her dog together weigh 24kg.

  Her dog and her rabbit together weigh 20kg.

  How much do all 3 of her pets weigh when weighed together?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  Question 4

  Remember to include your working to show us how you find your answers.

  a) In the town of Mathsville there are 360 residents.

  45% of the residents are children, the rest are adults.

  How many adults are there in Mathsville?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  b) Numbertown Primary School has 280 pupils. 56 of these pupils are girls.

  What percentage of the pupils are boys?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  c) The price of a bus ticket from Mathsville to Numbertown has increased by

  50% in the past year. A bus ticket now costs £1.80

  What did it cost a year ago?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  d) Mathsville Maths Supplies is a shop selling maths equipment.

  Tina bought 4 calculators and 3 protractors for £16.10

  Ahmed bought 2 calculators and 1 protractor for £7.50

  How much does a calculator cost, and how much does a protractor cost?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  e) Football is very popular in Numbertown.

  Two fifths of the population support London Mathletic.

  The rest support either Mathsville United or the Counting Crows.

  Twice as many people support Mathsville United than support the Counting Crows.

  500 people support the Counting Crows.

  What is the total population of Numbertown?

海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题

  以上是关于海格特学校Highgate School year7数学入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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