赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题 超干货收藏!


  作为英国顶尖的私立混校,赖默中学距今有将近400多年的历史,该校拥有着非常严谨的学习氛围,2021年更是有20名学生获得了牛津大学和剑桥大学的offer,30名学生获得了美国常春藤盟校的offer,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:

赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题


  1.Read the passage that follows, then answer ALL the multiple choice

  questions in Sections A, B and C.

  In this passage the writer Peter Ackroyd describes the Thames Estuary

赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题

赖默中学Latymer Upper School year7英语入学考试笔试题






  然后,回答这篇文章的25个选择题。你必须为每道题选择一个答案A, B, C, D或E,然后把那个字母写在答题卡的方框里。



  Each question is worth 1 mark.


  1) ‘Downriver’ is ‘mysterious’ and ‘ambiguous’ (line 1) because

  a) no one knows exactly where the river is.

  b) no one understands where it ends up.

  c) no one can say where one thing becomes another.

  d) no one dares enter the ‘brackish’ zone.

  e) no one understands what exists there.

  2) How can the ‘estuary’ combine ‘salt water and fresh water in equal or unequal quantities’ (line 3)?

  a) It is near the end of the river so will contain both types of water.

  b) It is a wide space and can therefore hold a great deal of water.

  c) It is an estuary so will clearly contain both salt and fresh water.

  d) It is a tidal area.

  e) It is ‘brackish’ which indicates both water types.

  3) By describing the estuary as ‘unknown’ (line 4) the writer means

  a) it is never visited.

  b) no one has managed to locate it exactly.

  c) it is unfrequented.

  d) it is as yet undiscovered.

  e) it is not on any map.

  4) The writer says that the sea is ‘always hostile to mankind’. (line 5). He means by this

  a) that the sea is mostly choppy.

  b) that the sea has been used as a dump and has become a health hazard.

  c) that it is a dark and mysterious force.

  d) that the sea seeks to frustrate human life when it can.

  e) that the sea is an overpowering force.

  5) By describing the river as ‘deeper’ and ‘darker’ (line 9) by this point on its journey, the writer means

  a) that the river has a different character now.

  b) that the river joins the ‘Black Deep’ and so darkens in colour and depth.

  c) that the river is finally joining the sea and so becoming more like it in depth and colour.

  d) that the river is now 7 feet deep and dirty.

  e) that the river has become clouded by waste and much bigger as it reaches the sea.

  6) The river ‘appeals’ (line 9) ‘to an adventurous imagination’ (Line 10) because

  a) it is a romantic gateway to the sea for smugglers and explorers.

  b) it is an ingenious way inland for raiders.

  c) it is easy to write well about.

  d) it awakens your longing for travel adventures.

  e) it makes you speculate.

  7) For the writer, ‘The poetry of the river’ (line 17) is

  a) the shape of the river in its bed.

  b) the collection of names associated with it.

  c) the beauty of the river.

  d) the atmosphere people sense near the river.

  e) the sound of the water.

  8) The writer says that the names ‘Shivering Sands’ (lines 18-19) and ‘Sunk Sand’ (line 19) are ‘deceptive’ (line 20) because

  a) they are unhelpful labels for underwater areas of the estuary.

  b) they sound as if they come from a story.

  c) they all use sibilance and onomatopoeia which is a trick.

  d) they are not in fact just sand.

  e) they are not really shivering or sunk.

  9) The ‘islands’ of ‘sands’ and ‘shoals’ (line 26) offer ‘false promise of a haven’ (line 26) because

  a) they are not liminal.

  b) they are polluted by London’s waste.

  c) they are not fixed in just one place.

  d) they are an illusion.

  e) they are only accessible some of the time.

  10) The Anglo-Saxons might have considered it a ‘landscape of nightmare’ (line 27) because

  a) it was ruined by waste materials.

  b) it was the place from where Viking invasion might have come.

  c) it is a forbidding place.

  d) they were largely ignorant and believed in nightmares.

  e) they associated it with primitive tribes.

  11) What does the writer mean when he claims that the land here ‘exerts a primitive and still menacing force’? (lines 31-32)

  a) He means that it has an overwhelming atmosphere.

  b) He means that you can sense that it is a dangerous part of the river.

  c) He means that it is a place where frightening things happen.

  d) He means that because London is so close by you are at increased risk.

  e) He means that it is all too easy to see the past here.

  12) Dickens writes about the ‘lower leaden line’ (line 38) which is

  a) the horizon.

  b) the sea.

  c) the Black Deep.

  d) the Sunk Sand sandbank.

  e) the point where the Thames officially ends.

  13) Dickens able to imagine one of his criminal characters, Magwitch (line 39) hiding here because

  a) the dense undergrowth would have provided Magwitch with plenty of cover.

  b) Dickens liked writing about London which is nearby.

  c) the sand-dunes would have allowed Magwitch to stay out of sight.

  d) Magwitch could move about here unseen.

  e) strangers are not welcome anywhere else.

  14) At this point in the passage a ‘fear of what is alien’ (line 47) means

  a) a fear of strangers on the marsh.

  b) a fear of difference.

  c) a fear of people coming from the sea.

  d) a fear of ghosts.

  e) a fear of being unable to return home.

  15) You might be frightened of ‘the primaeval Thames’ (line 48) because

  a) it is ancient.

  b) it is tidal here beyond the Thames barrier.

  c) it may contain bones.

  d) it is very deep and silty.

  e) it has frightening names associated with it.


  Answer these questions about the meaning of words or phrases as they are used in this extract.

  16) What is the closest definition to the word ‘ambiguous’? (line 1)

  a) certain

  b) strange

  c) deserted

  d) equivocal

  e) different

  17) What is the closest definition to the word ‘brackish’? (line 2)

  a) briny

  b) rocky

  c) mixed

  d) dirty

  e) acrid

  18) What is the closest definition to the word ‘treacherous’? (line 7)

  a) reliable

  b) perilous

  c) untrustworthy

  d) unexpected

  e) inconstant

  19) What is the closest definition to the word ‘liminal’? (line 22)

  a) outlying

  b) calcified

  c) transitional

  d) established

  e) watery

  20) What is the closest definition to the word ‘monotonous’? (line 28)

  a) unvarying

  b) colourless

  c) silent

  d) lonely

  e) unending


  Answer the following questions about these words and phrases.

  21) Which of these lines includes a metaphor?

  a) It exerts a primitive and still menacing force (lines 31-32)

  b) The estuary is the brackish zone (line 2)

  c) The waters can be treacherous here (line 7)

  d) The estuarial marshes beside the river are liminal areas (line 22)

  e) This is the poetry of the river (line 17)

  22) Which of these words is an adjective?

  a) changed (line 4)

  b) feeding (line 37)

  c) viscous (line 21)

  d) status (line 42)

  e) mud-flats (line 40)

  23) Which of these words is an adverb?

  a) here (line 7)

  b) moving (line 41)

  c) brackish (line 2)

  d) mystery (line 25)

  e) monotonous (line 28)

  24) What types of words are these: Estuary (line 2) Water (line 3) River (line 1) Mud (line 21) Land (line 23)?

  a) Nouns

  b) Articles

  c) Determiners

  d) Pronouns

  e) Adjectives

  25) What word could be used to describe ‘but’ in this extract: “‘Sunk Sand’ runs between the Black Deep and the Barrow Deep. But the names are in one sense deceptive”? (lines 19-20)

  a) Adverb

  b) Conjunction

  c) Antecedent

  d) Pronoun

  e) Adjunct

  Part 2: Expressive Writing





  你应该写1½- 2个面。



  Your train stops in a tunnel between stations. Describe what you see and how

  you feel.




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