干货分享 帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库!


  作为英国最大的天主教私立寄宿制混校之一,帕赖尔派克学院在数学和哲学上成就突出,该校也十分重视体育、艺术和戏剧。该校还为社会培养了一大批杰出的人才,比如橄榄球运动员Damian Cronin、诗人Charles Kent、英国戏剧导演Sir Cameron Mackintosh……因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,小编就为大家带来了帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库



  1. 不允许使用计算器。

  2. 你有1个小时。


  1. The table shows the number of competitors in the Olympic Games held in each of 6 cities.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (a) Which number in the table is the largest?


  (b) Write down the value of the 2 in the number 5217


  (c) Write the number 8465 correct to the nearest thousand.


  (d) Which number in the table is a multiple of 4?


  (e) Use a number from the table to make this calculation correct.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  2. The bar chart shows information about the number of people in the world who had swine flu on each of the first 5 days of May 2009.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (a) How many people had swine flu on May 3rd?


  (b) On which date did 658 people have swine flu?


  (c) On May 6th, 1893 people had swine flu.

  Draw a bar on the bar chart to show this information.

  3. (a) Work out the number which is exactly halfway between 0.3 and 0.6



帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  What is the reading on the scale?


  (c) Write down the value of the 3 in the number 0.243


  (d) Write these numbers in order of size.

  Start with the smallest.

  0.18     0.08     0.2     0.06     0.1


帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (a) The clock shows the time in the afternoon at which a train leaves Colombo for Kandy.

  Write down this time using the 12-hour clock

  (b) The train arrives in Kandy at five to eight in the evening.

  On the clock face, draw hands to show a time of five to eight.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (c) Jamie’s piano exam starts at 10.47. It lasts 18 minutes.

  At what time does his exam finish?


  (d) A train leaves Barton at 4.15 pm and arrives at Dedford at 19.10.

  How long is the train journey?


  5. Kali is drawing a pictogram to represent the number of DVDs he owns. He sorts his DVDs into different types.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (a) How many Music DVDs does Kali own?


  (b) How many more Film DVDs than Comedy DVDs does Kali own?


  (c) Kali owns 6 Wildlife DVDs.

  Complete the pictogram to show this information.

  6 (a) Simplify 3m + 4m


帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (c) Solve 7y + 1 = 36



帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  From the numbers in the box, write down

  (a) both the odd numbers,


  (b) both the square numbers,


  (c) both the prime numbers.


  8 (a)

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (i) What fraction of this shape is shaded?

  Give your fraction in its simplest form.


  (ii) Write your answer to part (i) as a decimal.



帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (i) Shade 20% of this shape.

  (ii) What percentage of the shape is unshaded?

  ............................... %


帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  centilitre kilogram gram litre

  (a) Write down a sensible unit from the box above to measure

  (i) the length of a hand


  (ii) the length of a ship


  (iii) the mass of an apple


  (b) How many millimetres are equivalent to 1 metre?


  10. On the probability scale, mark with a cross (×), the probability that

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (i) you will have something to drink tomorrow.

  Label this cross A.

  (ii) a teacher chosen at random was born on a Monday.

  Label this cross B.

  (iii) a fair 6-sided dice will show an even number when thrown.

  Label this cross C.

  11. There are 4 pears in a pack.

  (i) How many pears are there in 5 packs?


  (ii) There are 3 people in the Jones family.

  Each person eats one pear every day.

  a) How many pears will the Jones family eat in 7 days?


  b) How many packs of pears will the Jones family need to buy to have enough pears for 7 days?


  (iii) A pack of 4 pears costs £1.56.

  Work out the cost of each pear.


  12. (a) Write the number twenty thousand and forty six in figures.


  (b) Work out

  (i) 304 × 10


  (ii) 5.1 × 100


  (iii) 4.2 ÷ 10


  (iv) 9080 ÷ 100


  (c) Two numbers add to make 9 and multiply to make 18. What are the two numbers?


  13. Here are some patterns made from sticks.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (a) In the space below, draw Pattern number 4.

  This rule can be used to work out the number of sticks in each pattern.

帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库

  (b) Work out the number of sticks in Pattern number 6.


  (c) A pattern is made from 61 sticks.

  Work out the Pattern number.



  a) Which factors of 360 are also multiples of 12?


  b) We know that 9 X 8 = 72. What is the value of 7200 ÷ 8000?


  c) What is the total of the first five prime numbers?


  d) What is the value of: 10 – 1 + 8 – 3 + 6 – 5 + 4 – 7 + 2 – 9?


  e) Find the value of 142 – 132?


  以上是关于帕赖尔派克学院Prior Park College year7数学入学考试题库的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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