超干货分享 皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库!


  在英国有这么一所皇室的学校,曾四次被皇后造访,其学术成就也在不断的提升,学校不仅为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外活动,而且学术成绩也十分出色,这所私校就是皇家罗素中学,可是,入读这所私校要进行笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库





  Read the following extract and answer the questions in the Answer booklet.

  “HARD TIMES” by Charles Dickens. This part of the story is set in a Victorian School, where the teacher, Mr Gradgrind, is examining a class to see how much they know.


皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库

皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库

皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库

皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库

  Read the extract and answer the questions below. If you do not have the answer to a question, move to the next one and try to continue.

  Answer all questions in full sentences, except for no. 4, where short answers are sufficient.

  1. Why does Mr Gradgrind call Sissy Jupe ‘Girl number twenty’ (line 1)?



  2. Why does Mr Gradgrind object to the name ‘Sissy’ (lines 4 – 9) ?



  3. Sissy says that her father works in a circus. In your own words, describe how Mr Gradgrind reacts to this (lines 11 - 15).



  4. What do the following words mean as they are used in the text?

  a) objectionable (line 11) (‘Calling’ means ‘job’)


  b) ring (line 14)


  c) irradiated (line 24)


  5. Re-read lines 24 – 29. In your own words, describe 3 things about the way Bitzer looks.



  6. ‘Girl number twenty possessed of no facts, in reference to one of the commonest of animals.’ (lines 19-20).

  Which one word in this speech tells us what Mr Gradgrind thinks is most important in life? Give a reason for your answer.



  7. Re-read lines 30 – 34. What do you notice about the way Bitzer describes the horse. Why do you think Mr Gradgrind likes this description?



  8. What do you think is meant by the phrase in brackets ‘(and much more)’ in line 34?



  9. Find the simile in lines 36 - 39. What does it suggest about Bitzer’s character?



  10. In your own words, explain why the Second Gentleman says people shouldn’t choose wallpaper printed with pictures of horses to decorate a room.



  11. Re-read lines 41 – 47. What do you think is the job of the ‘government officer’?



  12. What do you think of the character of Mr Gradgrind? Would you like him to be your teacher? Explain your answer.




  13. Charles Dickens, the author of this passage, wrote many of his books as a protest against things he saw as unfair or cruel. What do you think he was protesting about in this passage? Give reasons for your answer, quoting from the passage where appropriate.




  1. Re-read lines 1 – 5 and write down an example of:

  a. A verb …………………………………………………..

  b. An adverb …………………………………………………..

  c. A noun …………………………………………………..

  d. A proper noun …………………………………………………..

  e. An imperative …………………………………………………..

  2. Re-read lines 22 – 25 and list the conjunctions [connectives]




  3. Re-write the following sentence putting in the proper punctuation.

  it was a horrible classroom with dark windows and black shutters and the teacher shouted billy you are late again if you are late tomorrow i will be cross no sir said billy



  4. Re-read lines 42 – 44. Rewrite this and change the direct speech into indirect speech.






  Dickens sets his story in a classroom.

  Imagine a classroom. This could be one that you know, one that you have seen or read about or one from your own imagination.

  Describe the classroom and the people in it.

  In your answer you should

  - Set the scene, using descriptive language

  - Describe some characters which could be students, adults or a combination of these

  - Narrate some activity

  You will be marked for:

  - Organisation of your ideas, a beginning, a middle and an end

  - The quality of your description and the variety of your vocabulary

  - The accuracy and variety of your sentences

  - Paragraphs, punctuation and spelling

  以上是关于皇家罗素中学Royal Russell School year9英语入学考试题库的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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