超干货分享 莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库


  在英国有这么一所私立女校,它可谓是英国私立女校教育的先锋,它不仅为学生提供了丰富多彩的课余活动,而且还十分注重学生的学术成绩,这所私校就是莱斯特女子中学,可是,入读私校要进行笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库





  1.a. Calculate 15% of £64

  £ ______________ (2)

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  ______________kg (2)

  c. Calculate 0.65 x 0.3

  ______________ (1)

  d. Express a test mark of 17 out of 20 as a percentage

  ______________ % (2)

  e. Sam eats 12 sweets from a bag of 33 sweets. What fraction of the sweets remains? Give your fraction in its lowest terms

  ______________ (2)

  f. 80p is shared between Ben and Calum in the ratio 3:2. How much more does Ben receive than Calum?

  ______________ (3)

  g. Diane covers 9 metres when she walks 12 paces. What distance will she cover when she walks 16 paces?

  _____________m (3)

  h. Emma won the first prize of £120 in a Prize Draw. This was ¾ of the total prize money paid out. What was the total prize money?

  £______________ (3)

  2. a. Show how you would work out a rough estimate of the product 375 x 23, and give your estimated answer.

  ______________ (3)

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  Her teacher looked at her answer and said it could not be correct.

  Explain how the teacher knew the answer was wrong.


莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  a. The bar a chart shows the results of a survey on the amount of pocket money given to 24 children.

  (i) What is the mode?

  ______________________ (1)

  (ii) How many children have at least £3 per week pocket money?

  ______________ (2)

  (iii) Find out the total amount of money given to the children.

  ______________ (2)

  b. A pie chart is drawn to show the same information. Calculate the angle of the sector which represents the children who have £1 per week pocket money.

  ______________ (2)

  4. The temperatures at noon in Montreal on the seven days of one week were as follows:

  Sunday -5℃

  Monday -4℃

  Tuesday -7℃

  Wednesday 1℃

  Thursday 5℃

  Friday 0℃

  Saturday -4℃

  a. Calculate the mean (average) of these temperatures.

  ______________ (3)

  b. How many degrees did the temperature fall from noon on Thursday to noon on Saturday?

  ______________ (2)

  c. If a day is chosen at random during that week what is the probability that the temperature at noon was above zero?

  ______________ (2)

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  The boxes are packed into cartons which are cuboids measuring 60 cm by 30 cm by 12 cm.

  b. Find the number of minipack boxes of lego which may be packed into a carton.

  ______________ (3)

  6. Calculate

  a. (i) (1³ + 2³ + 3³) – (1 + 2 +3)²

  ______________ (2)

  (ii) (1³ +2³ + 3³ + 4³) – (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)²

  ______________ (2)

  b. Comment on the pattern in your results for part a.

  ______________ (1)

  7. There were x people on a bus when it left Oadby. It then stopped only at Fleckney, Kibworth and Market Harborugh.

  a. At Fleckney 7 people got on and nobody got off. Write down in terms of x, an expression for the number of people on the bus between Fleckney and Kibworth.

  ______________ (1)

  b. When the bus left Kibworth there were twice as many people on it as when it arrived there.

  Write down, in terms of x, an expression for the number of people on the bus between Kibworth and Market Harborough.

  ______________ (1)

  c. There were 36 people on the bus when it reached Market Harborough.

  (i) Write down an equation in x.

  ______________ (1)

  (ii) Solve the equation to find the number of people on the bus when it left Oadby.

  ______________ (2)

  8. What is the area of the square whose perimeter is 24 cm?

  ______________ (3)

  9. Solve these equations.

  (i). 5a = 17.5

  a = ______________ (1)

  (ii) b – 7 = 26

  b =______________ (1)

  (iii) 3p + 14 = 8

  p =______________ (2)

  (iv)4q – 10 = q + 11

  q =______________ (3)

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  10.(i). If w = u (v – t) find w when u = 5, v = 7 and t = 3.

  w =______________ (3)

  (ii) If w = u (v – t) find t when w = 48, u = 8 and v = 9.

  t =______________ (3)

  11.I think of a number and divide it by 3. The result is 2 less than the number I first thought of. Find the number I first thought of.

  ______________ (3)

  12.Georgina has a packet to post. She cannot obtain stamps from the Post Office but she has a supply of 27p and 19p stamps. She wants to waste as little money as possible.

  Work out which stamps she should put on the packet if the post is:

  a. 34p

  ______________ (2)

  b. 72p

  ______________ (2)

  13.In each of the following put a decimal point so that the measurement is reasonable.

  a. Diameter of a 2p coin                    2 7 5 0 cm

  b. Weight of an average woman       5 7 1 4 kg

  c. Capacity of a plastic drinks bottle 1 6 2 1 Litres

  d. Length of a football pitch              1 0 7 6 m

  14.A local Gym is open every day of the week. Adele, Beth and Chrissie visit the Gym together one Saturday. After that, Adele visits it every second day, Beth every third day and Chrissie every fifth day.

  a. After how many days will all three girls be at the Gym together again?

  ______________ (3)

  b. What day of the week will it be?

  ______________ (1)

  15. Using any of +, - , x , ÷ or ( ) , more than once if needed, complete these statements to make them correct.

  a. 2 3 5 7 = 41

  b. 2 3 5 7 = 10

  16. ABCD is a rectangular garden of length 16m and width 12cm, with a post P placed in the centre of the garden.

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库

  a. Calculate the distance of P from A

  PA = ______________m (3)

  A goat is tied to the post P by a rope which is 5 metres long. The dotted line shows the boundary of the area which the goat can reach.

  b. Calculate the length of this boundary. (Take  = 3.14)

  ______________________ m (2)

  c. Calculate the area of grass which the goat CANNOT reach.

  Area = _______________ m² (3)

  以上是关于莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year10数学入学考试题库的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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