干货分享 莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库!


  在英国,有这么一所顶尖的私立女校,它创建于1906年,它不仅十分注重学生的学术成绩,而且还为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外活动,比如高尔夫球、体操、击剑、田径……因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库





  1. Calculate

  a. 836 + 79 – 108

  Answer ________________ (2)

  b. 34 x 8

  Answer ________________ (2)

  c. 259 ÷ 7

  Answer ________________ (2)

  2. Exercise books come in packs of 25. The school needs 480 exercise books.

  a. How many packs must be bought?

  Answer________________ (3)

  b. Each pack costs £6.

  Work out the total cost of the exercise books.

  Answer________________ (2)

  3. Curtain material costs £4.25 per metre.

  a. How much will it cost to buy 10 metres?

  Answer________________ (1)

  b. Mrs Brown buys a length of this material and pays £17.

  How many metres does she buy?

  Answer________________ (2)

  4. A school are collecting tokens for ‘free books’. Sarah brings 28 tokens to school. Leena brings 13 less than Sarah and Jane brings in 7 more than Sarah.

  a. How many tokens does Leena bring?

  Answer________________ (2)

  b. How many tokens do the three girls bring in total?

  Answer________________ (2)

  5. a. Write down in figures the number ten thousand and thirty-eight.

  Answer________________ (1)

  b. Write in words the number 57210

  Answer___________________________________________________ (1)

  c. Write down the number that is 3 less than 4000.

  Answer________________ (2)

  d. Write down the number which is one tenth greater than 7.6.

  Answer________________ (2)

  e. What is the value of the 7 in the number 53714.

  Answer________________ (1)

  6. A return train ticket for an adult travelling from Leicester to Cambridge costs £29.40.

  a. Find the cost of 3 adult return tickets.

  Answer________________ (3)

  b. The price of a childrens ticket is half that of an adult ticket. What is the cost of a return ticket for a child travelling from Leicester to Cambridge?

  Answer________________ (2)

  7. Choose from this set of numbers: 11 12 13 14

                                                             15 16 17 18

  a. a square number

  Answer _____ (1)

  b. a multiple of 5

  Answer _____ (1)

  c. three prime numbers

  Answer_____ _____ _____ (3)

  d. two factors of 60

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  Answer_____ ______ (2)

  f. The two numbers which multiplied together will produce the largest product.

  Answer_____ ______ (2)

  8. Look at these numbers

  6.07 6.705 7.6 7.00 6.75

  Write them in order of size smallest first.

  Answer: smallest______ ______ ______ ______ ______largest (3)

  9. In each of the following statements N stands for a number. Write down the value of N which makes each of the statements true.

  a. 7 + N = 13 Answer: N = __________ (1)

  b. 4 x N = 36 Answer: N = __________ (1)

  c. N x N = 25 Answer: N = __________ (1)

  d. N – 6 = N ÷ 2 Answer: N = __________ (2)


莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  The diagram shows an angle A.

  a. What kind of angle is A? Answer: _____________ (1)


  b. Estimate (do not use a protractor) the angle A in degrees.

  Answer: _____________ (2)


莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  a. Name shape A

  Answer _____________________(1)

  b. Reflect A in the mirror line M and

  shade the reflection you obtain. (2)

  d. Rotate B 180° about (6,6) (2)

  20. The diagram shows the design for a garden measuring 18m by 8m. The shaded area is to be the lawn.

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  a. Calculate the area of the whole garden.

  Answer _____________ (2)

  b. Calculate the area of the triangular rose plot.

  Answer _____________ (2)

  c. Calculate the shaded lawn area.

  Answer _____________ (3)

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  Mary is saving pennies. She draws the grid above for seven days of the week. Each day she will save twice as much as she saved the day before. On Monday she saves 1p, Tuesday 2p and Wednesday 4p as planned.

  a. How much did she save on

  i. Thursday? Answer ____________ (1)

  ii. Saturday? Answer_____________ (1)

  b. How much will she save in total for the whole week?

  Answer ___________ (2)


莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  The pie chart shows the flavour of ice cream preferred by the 120 students taking school lunch.

  a. Calculate the angle for the strawberry sector.

  Answer ____________ (2)

  b. How many students preferred chocolate?

  Answer ____________ (2)

  c. How many students preferred strawberry?

  Answer ____________ (2)


莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  This frequency table shows Anna’s score out of 10 in 15 weekly mental arithmetic tests.

  a. How many times did she score full marks?

  Answer ___________ (1)

  b. How many times did she score 7 out of 10?

  Answer ___________ (1)

  c. Which score was the mode?

  Answer ___________ (1)

  16. A printing company charges a fixed price of £30 plus £10 per hundred copies to print a leaflet. Beth is asked to draw up a table to show the charges for customers.

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  a. Complete the table by filling in the figures for 500 and 1000 copies of the leaflet.

  b. A customer pays £110. How many copies of the leaflet were printed?

  Answer _____________(2)

  17. The timetable shows the times of 3 trains travelling from Birmingham to Leicester in the afternoon.

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  a. Which train is the slowest?

  Answer _____________ (1)

  b. Which train should Mrs Brown catch if she wants to be back in Leicester by 5 pm?

  Answer _____________ (1)

  c. How long does train 3 take from Birmingham New Street to Leicester? Give you answer in minutes.

  Answer _____________ (2)

  18. Look at the patterns of grey and white tiles:

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  Complete the following table for patterns 1 to 3 and extend the table for patterns 4 and 5.

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  19. Meera is 1.62 m tall and Ellie is 1.39 m tall.

  a. How much taller is Meera than Ellie? Give your answer in centimetres.

  Answer: ___________cm (2)

  b. Meera is now exactly 3 times as tall as she was when she was born. What was her height in centimetres when she was born?


  Answer: ___________cm (2)

  20..Square patterns are drawn as follows

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库

  a. Complete the missing numbers of squares for pattern 3.

  b. What do you notice about the numbers of different sized squares?


  _________________________________________________________ (1)

  以上是关于莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7数学入学考试题库的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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