2022年TIMES英国伦敦私立高中TOP50排名 这所女校竟然荣登榜首之位!





  伦敦排名 英国排名 院校名 地理位置

  1 1 St Paul's Girls' School 伦敦

  2 2 King's College School, Wimbledon 温布尔顿

  3 6 St Paul's School 伦敦

  4 7 Westminster School 威斯敏斯特

  5 8= City of London School for Girls 伦敦

  6 12 The Godolphin and Latymer School 伦敦

  7 14 North London Collegiate School 埃奇韦尔

  8 18 Lady Eleanor Holles 伦敦

  9 22 Hampton School 汉普顿

  10 25 Wimbledon High School GDST 温布尔顿

  11 26 Putney High School GDST 帕特尼

  12 27 James Allen's Girls' School 伦敦

  13 28 Latymer Upper School 伦敦

  14 30 South Hampstead High School GDST 汉普斯特德

  15 31 Alleyn's School 达利奇

  16 32 University College School, Hampstead 汉普斯特德

  17 36= City of London School 伦敦

  18 39 Highgate School 海格特公墓

  19 40 Merchant Taylors' School 诺斯伍德

  20 41 Eltham College 莫廷厄姆

  21 43 Trinity School, Croydon 克里登

  22 45= Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST 伊灵

  23 47 Bancroft's School 格林

  24 48 Channing School 伦敦

  25 51 Dulwich College 达利奇

  26 54 Whitgift School 克里登

  27 56= Kingston Grammar School 金斯顿市

  28 66 Surbiton High School 金斯顿市

  29 73 Old Palace of John Whitgift School 克里登

  30 83 Ibstock Place School 罗汉普顿

  31 85 St Helen's School 诺斯伍德

  32 88 Francis Holland School, Sloane Square 威斯敏斯特

  33 91 Queen's College, London 伦敦

  34 96 Queen's Gate School 伦敦

  35 101= Francis Holland School, Regent's Park 伦敦

  36 111= St James Senior Girls' School 伦敦

  37 122 Emanuel School 伦敦

  38 123= Brampton College 亨顿

  39 129 Sutton High School GDST 萨顿

  40 132 Bromley High School GDST 布罗姆利

  41 134 Colfe's School 西西利

  42 153= Northwood College for Girls GDST 诺斯伍德

  43 155 Streatham and Clapham High School GDST 斯特里特姆

  44 160 Forest School 伦敦

  45 163 Sydenham High School GDST 西德纳姆

  46 170 St Dunstan's College 卡特福德

  47 172= St Catherine's School, Twickenham 特威克纳姆

  48 184 St Benedict's School 伊灵

  49 186 St Augustine's Priory 伊灵

  50 187 Croydon High School GDST 南克罗伊登














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