2022年英国私立走读高中TOP60排名 这所女校竟然稳坐榜首之位!





  排名 学校

  1 圣保罗女子学校St Paul's Girls' School

  2 圣保罗中学St Paul's School

  3 曼徹斯特女子中学Manchester High School for Girls

  4 哈博戴斯阿斯克男校Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School

  5 詹姆斯艾伦女校James Allen's Girls' School

  6 哈博戴斯阿斯克女校Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls

  7 汉普顿学校Hampton School

  8 艾霖学校Alleyn's School

  9 艾森学院Eltham College

  10 普特尼中学Putney High School

  11 埃莉霍利斯夫人学校Lady Eleanor Holles School

  12 海格特中学Highgate School

  13 钱宁学校Channing School

  14 戈多尔芬和拉蒂默学校The Godolphin and Latymer School

  15 威辛顿女校Withington Girls' School

  16 赖盖特文法学校Reigate Grammar School

  17 班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School

  18 圣约翰中学(卡迪夫)St John's School, Cardiff

  19 伦敦大学学院附属中学University College School

  20 圣奥尔本斯女校St Albans High School for Girls

  21 依玛努安学院Immanuel College

  22 诺斯伍德女子学院Northwood College for Girls

  23 莫切特泰勒公学Merchant Taylors' School

  24 圣三一学校Trinity School, Croydon

  25 拉夫堡高中Loughborough High School

  26 布莱顿女校Brighton Girls

  27 弗朗西斯荷兰学校-摄政公园分校Francis Holland School-Regent's Park

  28 圣詹姆斯女子高中St James Senior Girls' School

  29 圣奥古斯丁修道院中学St Augustine's Priory

  30 德比高中Derby High School

  31 爱德华国王六世女子中学King Edward VI High School for Girls

  32 圣奥尔本斯中学St Albans School

  33 诺丁山伊令女子中学Notting Hill and Ealing High School

  34 圣海伦学校St Helen's School

  35 克罗伊登高中Croydon High School

  36 国王高中-华威King's High School, Warwick

  37 伦敦城市女子学校City of London School for Girls

  38 布里斯托尔文理学校Bristol Grammar School

  39 拉蒂默中学Latymer Upper School

  40 欧德派莱斯学校Old Palace of John Whitgift School

  41 斯蒂芬基金会学校The Stephen Perse Foundation

  42 国王学校 (切斯特)The King's School, Chester

  43 圣唐顿中学St Dunstan's College

  44 赛恩女校Our Lady of Sion School

  45 布罗姆利高中Bromley High School

  46 牛津格林学院Greene's Tutorial College

  47 弗朗西斯荷兰学校Francis Holland School-Sloane Square

  48 皇后学校The Queen's School

  49 萨顿高级中学Sutton High School

  50 圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校St Helen and St Katharine

  51 谢菲尔德中学Sheffield High School

  52 特美德学校Tormead School

  53 梅纳德学校The Maynard School

  54 诺丁汉高中Nottingham High School

  55 豪威尔学校兰达夫Howell's School Llandaff GDST

  56 赛德姆高中Sydenham High School GDST

  57 斯特汉姆与坎伯汉姆女子中学Streatham and Clapham High School

  58 波尔顿女校Bolton School Girls' Division

  59 莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls

  60 诺丁汉女子高中Nottingham Girls' High School GDST

  61 伯克戴尔学校Birkdale School















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