

  IB国际文凭课程是一种全球认可的高中课程,它强调国际视野、综合素质和自主学习。在英国,一些高中在Sixth Form阶段提供IB课程,而且很多院校的IB成绩都相当优秀,这就为学生未来的升学多了一种选择。如果您想了解出国留学申请更多信息,请参考:去英国高中读IB课程可行吗。



  去英国高中读IB课程是完全可行的。在2023学年,约有 4500 名英国学生学习了IB课程。英国的一些私立学校是只提供IB课程,而还有另外一些学校则是为Sixth Form阶段的学生提供A-level和IB课程供选择,目前已有21所公立学校改用IBDP。


  布莱恩斯顿学校Bryanston School

  布莱恩斯顿Bryanston School是一所面向3至18岁学生的走读和寄宿学校。在Sixth Form阶段,学校提供多种课程选择,包括A - level课程、IBDP课程和IB职业相关课程。IB与布莱恩斯顿学校的教育模式非常一致,鼓励学生成为独立、自律的学习者。

  牛津圣克莱尔St Clare's, Oxford

  圣克莱尔中学(St Clare's, Oxford)位于北牛津,是一所男女合校的寄宿制Sixth Form学院,为国际学生提供大学预科课程选择,也是世界上开设国际文凭课程时间最长的学校之一。

  奥克汉学校 Oakham School

  奥克汉姆学校(Oakham School)提供全寄宿和弹性寄宿,学生可以学习 IB 或 A-Level课程。这所位于东米德兰兹郡的学校已经开设 IBDP 课程 21 年了,并增加了预科班人数,从 160 人增加到 200 人,以容纳因开设文凭课程而增加的学生。



  1 The Abbey School Reading

  2 ACS Cobham International School

  3 ACS Egham International School

  4 ACS Hillingdon International School

  5 Anglo European School

  6 Ardingly College

  7 Ashcroft Technology Academy

  8 Bedford Girls' School

  9 Bexley Grammar School

  10 Box Hill School

  11 Bradfield College

  12 Brentwood School

  13 Bridgwater and Taunton College

  14 Bristol Grammar School

  15 Broadgreen International School

  16 Bromsgrove School

  17 Bryanston School

  18 Buckswood School

  19 CATS Canterbury

  20 Charterhouse

  21 Cheltenham Ladies' College

  22 Chester International School

  23 Christ's Hospital

  24 Dallam School

  25 Dane Court Grammar School

  26 Dartford Grammar School

  27 Dwight School London

  28 Ellesmere College

  29 Europa School UK

  30 Exeter College

  31 Felsted School

  32 Fettes College

  33 Godolphin & Latymer School

  34 Gresham's School

  35 Haileybury

  36 Halcyon London International School

  37 Headington School Oxford

  38 Hockerill Anglo-European College

  39 ICS London

  40 Impington Village College

  41 International School of London (ISL)

  42 Kent College Canterbury

  43 King Edward's School - Birmingham

  44 King Edward's School - Witley

  45 King William's College

  46 King's College School - Wimbledon

  47 Leighton Park School

  48 Lomond School

  49 Malvern College

  50 Marymount International School

  51 North London Collegiate School

  52 Oakham School

  53 Parkside Community College

  54 Royal High School, Bath

  55 Rugby School

  56 Sevenoaks School

  57 Scarborough College

  58 Sidcot School

  59 Southbank International School - Westminster

  60 St Benedict's Catholic High School

  61 St Clare's

  62 St Edward's School Oxford

  63 St Leonards School

  64 Stephen Perse Sixth Form

  65 Stonyhurst College

  66 TASIS - The American School in England

  67 Taunton School

  68 TBAP 16-19 Academic AP Academy

  69 The Chalfonts Independent Grammar School

  70 The Rochester Grammar School

  71 The Sixth Form College, Colchester

  72 Tonbridge Grammar School

  73 Torquay Boys' Grammar School

  74 Truro and Penwith College

  75 UWC Atlantic College

  76 Varndean College

  77 Warminster School

  78 Wellington College

  79 Westbourne School

  80 Westminster Academy

  81 Whitgift School

  82 Windermere School

  83 Worth School



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