干货分享 班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试考试题型大赏析!


  英国低龄留学的升学考试有很多,基本上都是按照年龄阶段来区分考试,11+考试是小升初考试,也是最常见的考试,一般情况下,大多数私校都会自己编写考试题目,通过学校内部考试可以被录取,班克罗夫特学校就是其中之一,下面,小编就为大家带来了班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试考试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试


  1. Fill the missing numbers in the boxes.

班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试

  2. You are told that 1000 ÷ 8 = 125

班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试

  3. How many seconds are there from 11:45am until 12:10pm on the same day?

  ………………………… seconds

  4. a) 25% of a number is 2.6

  What is that number?


班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试

  Write down the number that the arrow is pointing towards.


  c) The sum of two numbers is 35 and their difference is 7.

  What are the two numbers?

  ..…………… and …………….

  5. Each number in a sequence is calculated by multiplying the previous number by 3 and then subtracting 7.

  a) If the first number is 4, what is the fourth number?


  b) If the third number is 20, what is the second number?


  6. A drinks bottle is 1/3 full of fizzy drink. I drink 40ml of fizzy drink and the bottle is now 1/4 full.

  How much fizzy drink does the bottle hold when full?

  ………………………… ml

  7. Travelling by train from Edinburgh to London, I passed a sign saying “London 151 miles”. After 7 more miles, I passed another sign saying “Edinburgh 242 miles”. How far is it by train from Edinburgh to London?

  ………………………… miles

  8. On Pythagorean Avenue there are 50 houses on the North side of the road. Their numbers go up in twos from 1 to 99.

  Houses 17 to 41 are all demolished.

  How many houses are left standing on the North side of Pythagorean Avenue?

  ………………………… houses

  9. a) What is 60% of 45 plus 40% of 45?


  b) What is 40% of 52 take-away 52% of 40?


  c) What is 72% of 87 plus 87% of 28?


  10. When 12341234 is divided by 23 the remainder is 9.

  a) What is the remainder when 12341233 is divided by 23?


  b) What is the remainder when 12341250 is divided by 23?


  c) What is the remainder when 24682468 is divided by 23?


  11. Jemima has written down four whole numbers.

  If she chooses three of her numbers at a time and adds up each triple, she obtains totals of 130, 143, 157 and 170.

  What is the largest of Jemima’s numbers?


  以上是关于班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+数学笔试的相关问题,近几年,低龄留学已持续升温,顶试留学是一所有着29年英美低龄留学经验的高端机构,也是UKiset(译赛)考试大中华区官方考点,已为数十万个高端家庭提供了长周期的“全程陪伴”。专业定位、寄宿家庭服务、院校择优、考试培训等为您提供360°的服务体验,让留学生真切感受到“家”的温暖!有留学梦的您还不来冲!














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