





  Time allowed: 40 minutes

  Read the following instructions carefully:

  1. Put your examination number at the top right hand corner of this sheet.

  2. This paper consists of one fiction section and questions to be answered about it. Read the passage first.

  3. Answer the questions on the passage.

  4. Take care to answer in complete sentences unless told to do otherwise.

  5. This paper will take 40 minutes.

  Fiction Passage


  The following passage is an extract from ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz, a novel about a teenage secret agent.

  He came to a break in the path, a second, much rougher track leading away from the sea and across the fields. His instincts would have told him to go straight ahead, but a footpath sign pointed to the right. There was something strange about the sign. Alex hesitated for a moment, wondering what it was. Then he dismissed it. He was walking in the countryside and the sun was shining.

  What could possibly be wrong? He followed the sign.

  The path continued for about another quarter of a mile, then dipped down into a hollow. Here the grass was almost as tall as Alex, rising up all around him, a shimmering green cage. A bird suddenly erupted in front of him, a ball of brown feathers that spun round on itself before taking flight.

  Something had disturbed it. And that was when Alex heard the sound – an engine getting closer. A tractor? No. It was too high-pitched and moving too fast.

  Alex knew he was in danger the same way an animal does. There was no need to ask why or how.

  Danger was simply there. And even as the dark shape appeared, crashing through the grass, he was throwing himself to one side, knowing – too late now – what it was that had been wrong about the second footpath sign. It had been brand-new. The first sign, the one that had led him off the road, had been weather-beaten and old. Someone had deliberately led him away from the correct path and brought him here.

  To the killing field.

  He hit the ground and rolled into a ditch on one side. The vehicle burst through the grass, its front wheel almost touching his head. Alex caught a glimpse of a squat black thing with four fat tyres, a cross between a miniature tractor and a motorbike. It was being ridden by a hunched-up figure in grey leathers, with helmet and goggles. Then it was gone, thudding down into the grass on the other side of him and disappearing instantly, as if a curtain had been drawn.

  Alex scrambled to his feet and began to run. There were two of them. He knew what they were now. He’d ridden similar things himself, on holiday, in the sand-dunes of Death Valley, Nevada.

  Kawasaki four by fours, powered by 400cc engines with automatic transmission. Quad bikes.

  They were circling him like wasps. A drone, then a scream, and the second bike was in front of him, roaring towards him, cutting a swathe through the grass. Alex hurled himself out of its path, once again crashing into the ground, almost dislocating his shoulder. Wind and engine fumes whipped across his face.



  Read passage A and then answer the following questions in the spaces provided, taking care to answer in complete sentences unless told to do otherwise.

  1. Write down one example from the first paragraph that helps you understand why he found the footpath sign odd. (1mark)

  2. Write down two phrases in the second paragraph which describe the bird. (1 mark)

  3. Explain the effect of the writer’s word choices in the two examples you gave above. (2 marks)

  4. How does the writer create tension at the end of the second paragraph? (3 marks)

  5. Write down two things that Alex realises in the third paragraph. (2 marks)

  6. Why has the writer made paragraph 4 so short? (1 mark)

  7. How does the writer use language to make the quad bike and rider appear unpleasant in paragraph 5? (4 marks)

  8. How does the writer use language to create ideas about danger and pain in paragraph 7? (6 marks)



  English Paper II

  In this paper, the candidate is required to write a composition.

  The time allowed for this paper is 25 minutes plus 5 minutes preparation time for the candidate to jot down some ideas on a piece of coloured notepaper provided.

  A choice of topics is given and the candidate must write on only one of these topics.

  The following are typical of the categories of topics that are set: Choose ONE of the following and write a composition about it.

  1. Describe an occasion when you have been frightened.


  2. Describe a place that has frightened you.



  The examination will consist of one 40 minute paper which will contain a series of problems designed to test the candidate’s ability to use the straightforward processes of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and to apply them in situations which are within their understanding and experience.

  Candidates are expected to be able to work with simple fractions, decimals and percentages. They should also be familiar with the concept of area and negative numbers, and they may be asked to interpret simple charts representing statistical information. Formal knowledge of algebra is not required for the test. The paper may also contain questions which are deliberately designed to test response to a simple but unfamiliar mathematical idea for which no previous knowledge is required.

  It cannot be emphasised too strongly that candidates should set out their working clearly and not assume that only the answer is of interest to the examiner.

  Checking of work and questioning the reasonableness of a numerical answer are important and many candidates fail to realise this, even though they may have finished the paper early.

  Senior School Entrance Examination

  Mathematics Paper

  Time allowed: 40 minutes

  Answer all questions

  Read the following instructions carefully:

  Use pencil only for this paper.

  Put your examination number in the space at the top left hand corner of the question paper.

  Write the answers in the space provided.

  Write down clearly all the working you need to do in the space near the question. In some questions marks are given for working, so do not rub this out.

  Remember to check your work carefully. This paper will take 40 minutes.

  Answer as many questions as you can. Do not worry if you do not answer all of the questions. If you come to a question you cannot do, go on to the next. You may have time to return to those missed out at the end.







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